Why The Earth Is Dieing

A More Spiritual Way Of Looking At This Problem

As we may all have heard there are many who complain that the earth will come to an end if we don't stop poluting it. You may have thought that they are full of B.S. or dug too deeply into this fluffy, cutey New age Garbage. You may be right, yet the fact that the earth is dieing is still a real concern.
Here I will explain three ways in which the earth is dieng, I will not try to press you to do anything, just try to educate you on this ignored topic. I have been inspired to write this after a chat on Yahoo's religion chat room. It appeared that not many were concerned, or aware of the various ways that we are killing it besides just polution.

Primarily I will begin by explaining how earth is alive. In this essay I will include three ways that we are killing the earth we live on, these are: a lack of worship and aknowledgemeant, our general actions lowering earths maegn supply, and of coarse the brief schpeal on polution. Then I will tersly yet effectivly explain what the effects of earth dieing would be. don't forget to e-mail me on any info you would like to add, or any comments you may have

There are many that feel that earth is only a large mass of dirt and rocks that orbits around a dead ball of burning gasses. Well scientificly it is. Yet as we all know too well science is only a small part of the possible knowledge out there. Thre are groups that are into worship of the earth, sucha as Guya, and they also devote concideralable amounts of time researching ceartain topics related to this. They may be on the right track. I am not saying that we all become fruitcakes that sit and kiss the earth for fun, but it is actually a pretty good example for us.
The fact that earth is alive may even solve various scientific questions, like if it is stated that only life may produce life, then where did the first life on earth come from, the answer would be the earth, where that life came from would be going into Paganism or other spiritual topics that would bogle anyone.
So definatly the earth is not just a pile of rocks, it is our mother, if you refuse to aknowledge this you would be denieng that you have a mother.

It may not yet be obvious but we are killing earth due to lack of worship and recognition. The aincient Pagans worshiped earth and gave it energy in that way. Through giving energy to nature we indirectly give ourselves 3 X as much! It is an old idea yet it still holds true even today. You may wonder why the earth, the mother of life on earth, the huge planet floating in our solar system that has powers that we can't comprehend needs our worship. It is actually pretty simple. It is like all mythology, it may live forever, for it is true, (this means that it has a soul in the astrall and concious levels and thusforth can never end its existance even if it just becomes a worthless blob that only exists on a sub-spiritual level) yet it requires energy to exist on Midrigard (our home). Thus death would mean a death on Our plane even though it will always be out there somewhere. A pretty dull fate if you ask me, be at least conciderate.

Our deeds may contribute to the death of the earth. Not just our polution, but our actions in every day life. For those of us familiar with the Norse Teachings of Maegen, then we know that our actions result in the building or lowering of our Maegen, good deeds gain Maegen while cheating or other immoral and cowardly deeds result in a loss of Maegen. Then We may also know that Maegen doesn't only apply to us but there is a community Maegen, this too must be fought to protected. Then for those of us who have some background info into the way our biosohere works, the entire sphere works on a basis of millions of communities, it is comprised of these as a community is comprised of its members. Thus the Biosphere has its own Maegen count. Now we move on to the only things that seem to make the news, someone killed someon, genocide here, political lies there, and all around society decay. Well the fact is that these are all actions that lower the earths maegen supply, without it it can't live. Thus living morally helps not only you but also the earth that you live on. It is the smallest of actions that help, so follow the heathen traditions well, and pay close attention to their moralls for their morrals dictate the actions and deeds to gain Maegen.

We all are aware of the problems posed by our polution. We destroy ecosystem by ecosystem, food chain by food chain, etc. untill there will be nothing left to destroy. Not much more needs to be said or explained.

The effects of earth dieing would be horrendous. The earth feeds us a certain amount of energy from which we live. If the earth dies and turns into a pile of rocks floating through space then we don't recieve this energy, and simply WE DIE WITH THE EARTH. The earth is like our mother, it is a goddess, it is the house we live in. One connot survive without these. If earth dies then all life on it will disapear, plants will mysteriously become extinct at rates faster than we can ever exterminate them. Catastrofies will occur at rates that we cannot evem begin to imagine, because if earth dies then our protecting mother dies, and she has protected us from many a catastrophy. I feel that you all get the picture.

If you have any information that you feel I may put in here please write me a little Schpeal about it. sir_bienkowski@geocities.com

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