The Aura, a general intro.
To see the aura, a breif instruction to how to train yourself to see the aura. How to read the aura, a brief instruction on how to read the aura. |
In ones study of the aura one will learn how to use it as a phycic shield and weapon. I already know most of these things yet do not feel That I know enough about it topost them on the page, should someone out there have more info out there, PLEASE correspond with me.
To see the Aura
see the aura, yet not everyone
It does take a little practice, and (what many don't have) belief. Sometimes one may glimpse an aura in moments of extreme emotion, or revelation, and then from failing to believe that they can see these on a regular bases looses sight of it. If you do experience a great emotion or revelation and see aura's, the worst aproach to take is this; "wow I can only see them now". lookout it's somewhat natural to do.
Otherwise, one must practice seeing it. First one must have the want to see it. Then there are several small exercises that one may do to begin to see it.
The one I recomend most is the fingers exercise, this was made famous by the book
"The Celestine Prohecy"
This is simply holding your fingers held together in front of you (preferably over a clear surface, the sky on a fairly clear day is a good background, keep it somewhat dark). Then slowly move them appart, inbetween them you will begin to see a small light, at first this will be dim, by tweeking the focus you will begin to see this light all around you hand. After perhaps a week of practice you will be able to see it in full colors around a full person.
There are also other ones that one may find in books on the aura should the fingers exercise not work. These are mostly images on paper that train your eyes to shift focus into seeing auras.
Keep in mind, the aura is not only to be seen, there are other ways that it may be looked into.
One should also train oneself to feel an aura, This may simply be done by standibg behind a person and attempting to feel the extent of the aura with ones hands. Oftentimes you will feel a certain heat, or elextricity, or something minutly strange, that will indicate where the extent of the aura is. This too takes training, and builds one perception.
Oftentimes the aura emits smells, these are usually prophetic of sorts, for example death may be smelt in some people before accidents. There are certain smells that the aura may produce that only a selected few may pick up. Learn to destinguish what smells are out of place and what they mean, as I said before, these things vary by person.
sounds are rarely emited by auras, but I am sure it can happen, telepathy is easily transmitted via auras, but that is somewhat a different field. It is rather hard to taste auras. That too however may on occasion happen. look for it.
how to read the aura
The aura is the most easily looked into part of the soul. This too takes practice. As I said there are many colors that may be seen in a persons aura. many times these are the keys to reading the aura. One mayinterpret different colors to mean different things, I have found that for many occasions general charts showing what colors mean what to an author are generally useless to a reader, thus I will not place one here. I recomend that everyone findsout for themselves what colors mean what.
This may be done by observing oneself. Mirors are OK for aura's too.
There is of course more to the aura than colors. There are often times deformities, holes, parasites, vampirisms and the like that may be detected. These are often not only seen, but percieved in some other manner. I have not enough room on the page, or time, to list even 1/3 of these things, and I bet I do not even know 1/2 of them.
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