Problems Pagans face

An essay on various problems (magickal and social) that we as Pagans may encounter.

some social problems and solutions
why you may be experiencing problems with Runes
Problems with christians
problems with sources
write me your problems or solutions

As Pagans we may occasionally meet some religiously discriminatory people, might not succed in a certain spell or charm, might come across a hard time when we question if the Gods are really our friends, and occasionally some of us may end up abandoning our faith because of these problems. We must not do this blindly or we will end up making a stupid dicission. I will include explanations and solutions to many of our common problems.

I should probably begin with social problems. I should know all about these because I go to a Catholic school. People are usually afraid of that which they do not know of. If you anounce that you're a pagan then they will be afraid of you, unconciously anyway, and they will defend themselves by jeering at your faith. Their religions (if they have one) or controling faactors (ex. Christianity, not a religion anymore but rather a way of controlling people, or their upbringing) will probably tell them that what they are doing is wrong (usually not the case for Satanists, but then again they usually don't pick on Pagans because so much of their symbols and small things are stolen from Paganism, and they understand what it means to be "crucified" by the Church), but they will justify this for themselves by the fact that your a heathen. This is really an incomplete thought pattern that they set up for themselves. It's quite funny, laugh at it a lot.

One of the things that these racists may do is to laugh at you as a witch. I never thought very highly of witches so this was an insult. It's just a misconception on their part, there is a distinction between witches and Pagans. Their view of witches actually is mostly drawn from the early Hollywood movies. These steriotypes can also be rather humerous. The fear of witches in modern culture is inplanted by the church, the sick part is that there are Jews, Muslims, Athiests and what not that are all effected by this sick joke. Don't forget though, this sick sense of humor cost some 3 MILLION OR MORE PEOPLE their lives (during the witch trials in Europe).

One of the other funny things that you may come across os to be mistaken for a Satanist. Not that I want to be religiously discriminatory, but it is a load of BS that emerged from the Catholic Church somewhere around the late 1700's. Yes it all started from Christianity. It actually didn't have much to do with witchcraft and had absolutly nothing to do with Paganism (except that it silently stole a few symbols and twisted them to their own means). It had more to do with the early occult research that occured within the church, or by professionals in the field of Christianity. I don't see how anyone could make the corrolation between a Pagn and a Satanist, but apparently there is no limit to human ingenuity when the mind is trying to defend itself. If trying to defend yourself from these people just keep in mind they are uneducated on the subject, you have a small advantage, use it well.

If you have other problems of this sort, or have further solutions please E-Mail me at

Problems with Runes

Many of my friends are frustrated by Runes, the magickal letters of the Norse faith. Odin found the Runes while hanging on the world tree, they were his gift to us. They are a powerfull magickal force. Yet some people just cant seem to find out how to use it. I think that this is a most pathetic mistake. There is something that you may be overlooking if you can't seem to master them. The most common thing overlooked is that you must first "live them in." This is kind of like putting their power into your blood stream, so that the Runes are inside of you (remember that all magickal works use you power as the primary source). When you are casting (by that I meen to write them on air and say their oath) the Rune you must use your energy to cast them, if you did not live in their energy then you can't cast them. It is that simple. To live in their energy you must spend a great time to study them. This is made easier if you are a Shaman.FOR SHAMANS: you must master the method of Astrall Projection using the Befrost (rainbow bridge). For those that are Norse Shamans then you should have this down pat. For those that aren't: the Befrost is the bridge that links the worlds in the world tree (For more on this please see my essay on blending the Celtic and Nordic Faiths it may not be finished at the current moment). It is a rainbow bridge (apparently made of pure light yet looks like a well woven fabric) with fire on the side. Some see this fire as just floating there, some see it as being in torches and some don't see it because of various reasons. Walk for a while and admire the late night scenery of the Bridge (as you are in "outer space", a place between the worlds). Then after you get the "gut feeling" that you've walked far enough cast the rune in front of you. It will hover there in front of you, then float off in a direction, follow it. It will then lead you to the correct world for you to learn you lesson. The method of entry into this world will most likely be a gate. Once inside you will learn the lessons you need about the Rune, assimilate some of its energy and most likely meet a guide who will be your "Rune Guide," meaning that he/she will be there solely to assist you in learning the secrets of the Runes. Notice though these may be lessons in the form of an adventure, or even a boring Classroom-like deal. Do not leave untill you have picked up the entire lesson. To leave you may cast the Rune again, re-open the gate, or just descend back to your body. You should spend at least 3 journeys, within an 8 day block, to learn about each Rune. You will notice that during these Blocks you will experience many coincidences that will be related to the Rune. these will most likely be to either teach you more about the Rune or to give you more material to ask you "Rune Guide".

FOR NON-SHAMANS You must still live it in if your not a shaman. Simply meditate on it, learn its oath, think of it constantly, read about it a lot, do activities related to it etc. Do this for about 10 days per Rune to get it in, this is not guaranteed to work as well as the Shamanic teqnique. however it is also great in addition to the shamanic tecnique.

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If you have any questions or answers that you feel I may put in here please write me a little Schpeal about it.

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