About Sir Bienkowski

Sir Bienkowski was born Barnaba Jan Bienkowski to Marek Bienkowski and Barbara Maryanska on Nov. 20'th 1982 in Gdansk Poland. His Father a poet and his mother an artist, both hippies (the hippie movement in Europe was different than in America, Namely drugs weren't as big). Both were prominent Members of the Soladarity movement (Barbara even had a part in Making the sign for Polish solidarity, While Mark was known for giving speeches, next to Lech Valensa). "They always have these tragic stories to tell of how life was back then. It often makes me want to throw up." said Sir Bienkowski.

Sir Bienkowski was brought to america in 1984, when only two years old. He was first transported to Indiana along with his parents who were there apparently to seek refuge. His father got a job there as a professor at some local colledge. Sir Bienkowski did not remember the name. However appaarently the hillbilies there must have made Sir Bienkowski's parents seek the city life. For their next move was to NYC. The Big Apple was at first scary for the young Sir Bienkowski. But he quickly grew accustomed to the cursed noises of the city. He went to school at "Mary Queen Of Heaven", A private catholic school. He doesn't remember much about it though.

The city life was apparently too much, for the next move was to a little town in upstate NY called Germantown. He there went to high school and recalls hating the place. "It was a small school to begin with, and the kids there would make fun of me because I was Polish, my name was different, I was new to the area, I was very tall, and just because they had notheing better to do. They would make the oddest of jokes to. Since I went By the allias of B.J. (to cover up my name from them) they would interpret it as "Big Joke" or other sick and perverted things which I definatly do not care to repeat. They even took a few old songs and changed the words to insult me just so that theycould sing it in the hallway when I was there. Not to say though that I had no friends, I was a very polite student and was a favourite amoung the teachers."

After this harrowing experience the Bienkowski family again decided to meve. This time to the little town by the Hudson River in NY where they currently reside. This little town is peacefull and is not a farming community like Germantown, but it still had its loosers. One of the things that appaled Sir Bienkowski the most was that a lot of his peers listened to Rap. In his oppinion it made them violent. "I don't see how any parent in their right mind would allow their kids to walk aroundthe town, smoking cigarets or trees (it apparently makes no difference to them) listening to the a beet that was even more primitive than what I could do on a drum when I was four (which is absolutly nothing) with lyrics that are unnintelegible (due to the fact that every second word mumbled by these people isn't found in the English dictionary) and offensive."

Sir Bienkowski currently goes to scool in Albany.He is a Cadet corporal at a local millitary school which he deeply regrets is an all boys school. " Even though our resources are limmited (he is refering to chicks) we still get around."

Sir Bienkowski listens to every form of music. In adition he doesn't feel that Rap is Music, thus he doesn't listen to it. Sir Bienkowski has a size 12 1/2 size shoe, the same size as O.J. Simpson. When asked for further information on this subject he simply replied "No Comment". Sir Bienkowski is a great fan of the president. When asked why he said "well he's the first president that is catching up to the nation rather than slowing it down. He is labeled as the first 'Rock And Roll President.' This is a gift from the gods that has come 40 years later than it should have. Plus, you know, uhh, he has more dates than I could get, so uhh, I kind of envy the man." In addition he also is a full supporter of the Persian Gulf war.

Sir Bienkowski has two dogs, by the names Zelda and Odhinn. Zelda is on old brunet mut that limps slightly. Odhinn is a young blank Snouzer with even a black toungue. He also has two cats by the names Milky and Silky. Milky is a big fat cat which he nicknames "the Fat'un". Milky is a Big and skinny cat which he has nicknamed "the Cute'en". He is often asked as to why they have such odd nemes. "I had no choice in naming them 3/4'ths of the time. My mother gave them these odd names. The only one I named was Odhinn."

Even though he goes to a catholic high schoool Sir Bienkowski is a Pagan and even has his own Pagan site on the web. Please see A Thesis In Neo-Paganism Sir Bienkowski is also a Shaman yet wil not do phycic service, mystic healing, or whatever else for you.

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