This page states a theory of there being 9 quarters rather than 4. I have overheard this theory in a circle I was in once with some people other than my usual coven. I have never seen it in action though. I feel that it is incomplete hwever and will need you to give me whatever else you could find on it. just fill out the form on the bottom and give me info ar suggestions on this topic.
I will begin by telling you of the previos quarter methods. The customary method is with 4 directions. There is North (Earth), South (Fire), East (Air), and West (water). This is a rather old method and it seems to work O.K. Yet I never liked it. I usually use the five directions method. This is simply all of the above plus Center (spirit). This is also taken from Aincient Celtic knowledge. In fact the famous cross with a circle inside of it (which was a pre-Cristian simbol) is a representation of this. The four parts of the cross on the outside are the four directions and the part inside the circle is the Center Direction of Element spirit. Not all people acknowledg this.
Then there arisses the complaint that the numbers 4 and 5 are not traditionally holly numbers. To solve this problem a group of Druids decided to make a three directions method. As 3 is a holy number. They have the North (Earth), West (Water), and SouthEast (smoke). They simply combine the Elements air and fire to make smoke. This is ingenious. Yet I do not like this method either and have never seen it used.
Now I will show the masterpiece theory of Nine Elements. My only regret is that there are a few missing parts to this. Thus I NEED you to write to me in the space at the bottom of the screen.
The Nine Elements would be as follows: North (Earth), NorthEast (Plant), East (air) SouthEast (either Smoke or Lightning), South (fire) SouthWest ( either Ale or acid), West (Water) NorthWest (either Lake or Mud), and Center (Spirit). There is 9, a holy number for it is 3X3.
The outside of this seems to correspond with the circle of the year. There are 8 festivals in most Pagan calenders. There are four major and four minor, just like in the the 9 directions theory where N, S, E, and W are the major ones while NE, SE, SW, NW are the minor ones. The element spirit may be related to our path through the year.
There is also another problem that I see come into the scene here. When we cast our circle and call to the Elements we also summon the elementals (faries) to the edge of our circle. We know that there are certain faries of certain elements, we also know that there are certain faries that are good at doing certain tasks while others will do more harm than good. Thus some of us get specific in the faries that we call to the edge of our circle. If we adopt the 9 directions method we would have to find out which faries go with which "new" Element. If there is a coven, kindred or cult out there that would like to take on this kind of research please keep me informed of your findings so that I may post them on this page. Please E-mail me if you plan on this.
© 1997
If you have any info you would wish to share I urge you to E-mail me @
please read some of the letters I recieved