Be assured that poetry is alive and well. This page features a recently published poem and will change frequently. Don't miss your dose! The current poem is a tribute to fathers. Do you remember some special time with your father, when he taught you lesson without realizing it? Read about a special time for Li-Young Lee in his poem, The Gift. This poem was posted June 9, 1998. If you have a poem you'd like to share about fathers just email it to us at
Our featured poem is from an anthology of poems for men, The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart, edited by Robert Bly, James Hillman, and Michael Meade, published in 1993. It is an excellent collection of poems that anyone (not just men) will enjoy. For your convenience, you may order a copy of this book, or find out more about it at
The Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart : Poems for Men
~ Usually ships in 24 hours Robert Bly, et al / Paperback / Published 1993
Soon, we will add a section for book reviews relating to all aspects of poetry (writing, teaching, poetry anthologies). If you'd like to recommend a book, please email the information, along with your personal review. Until then, enjoy browsing
In honor of National Poetry Month
we posted your poems about "Poetry".
Poems on Poetry
The results are in!
Our annual Student Poetry Contest concluded March 1, 1999. The top four poems may be read at
Student Contest Winning Poems
Examples of various types of poetry may be found on our Poetry Page
To help get you started we've got some fun and challenging Writing Exercises
Submit your responses on-line for possible publication.
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Post poems for discussion or critique. Share knowledge and resources with other poets. Explore poetry as a form of artistic expression, writing as Vincent Van Gogh painted:
"...not to please a certain taste in art, but to express genuine human emotion."
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