
The main purpose of this page is to help people find genealogical links between their families and mine. Just go to my Genealogy Page to see all my information. It contains everything from the GEDCOM file mentioned below, but in a WWW-friendly form that is very easy to navigate. Please take a look!

In addition, you can take a look at a Photo Gallery of old family photos from as far back as 1850. Also on this page are links to biographies of notable family members.

You can also download a ZIP file (STAAKE.ZIP) from this site which, when unzipped, will give you a GEDCOM (GEneology Data COMmunications) file of my family tree. Any current geneology software should be able to read this file and allow you full access to it. This is a complete genealogical database of my family going back 20 generations.

The zipped file is only 50KB in size, so it should download in seconds. If you want it, please click here: STAAKE.ZIP

This is THE site for genealogists: The Geneology Home Page

© 2001
Please contact me if you have any questions or comments.