Suicide: Not a Good Idea

Suicide: Not a Good Idea

by Mary Ellen Copeland
PO Box 301, West Dummerston, VT 05357
Phone: (802) 254-2092 (802) 257-7449

Experiencing psychiatric symptoms is horrible. Many people who try and live with these symptoms every day sometimes feel so discouraged they want to end their lives. Suicide is never a good idea. Why not?

1. Psychiatric symptoms get better. Sometimes they get better even if you don't do anything about them. But there are many things you can do to help relieve these symptoms. To feel a little better right now, try the following:

2. When you feel better, you will have many wonderful experiences - warm spring days, snowy winter days, laughs with friends, playing with children, good movies, tasty food, great music, seeing, hearing, feeling. You will miss all these things, and many more, if you are not alive.

3. Your family members and friends will be devastated if you end your life. They will never get over it. They will think about it and miss you every day for the rest of their lives. If you have a box of family photographs, choose some photos of the people you love and display them around your house to remind yourself that you never want to hurt these people.

When symptoms are very severe, you may have a hard time making good decisions for yourself. To make it hard to make a bad decision, like ending your life, make suicide hard for yourself by taking these preventive actions.


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This webpage added to the Zeke Mason Site on Oct. 7, 2000.
Last modified Sept. 4, 2007 at 1:47 P.M.
Used with permission of MARY ELLEN COPELAND, MS, MA
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