First I want to acknowledge that my name is not really Zeke Mason and my son's name is not really Paul. I am using these pen names because of concerns and respect for some family members.Paul was always known as a shy kid. He loved sports and played baseball until age 15. He played basketball in the last two years of elementary school and as a Freshman in High School. He was a walking encyclopedia of sports statistics. He began playing fantasy sports before the term was invented. He became interested in music and learned to play the guitar. He had a great sense of humor and could keep people laughing for hours with his wit and humorous observations about people. Paul had individual relationships with each of his family members. With me, it was mostly about sports. With his sisters, it was music and sharing of daily experiences. He and his mom shared a great sense of humor and enjoyed each other's company very much.
Paul's great sense of humor was best with close friends or groups he knew well. It took him longer to get to know people but once they became close friends, he lost his shyness. His ambition was to be a sportscaster. He majored in Mass Communication in college. He worked at various jobs in grocery stores, restaurants and hospitals while attending the University.
Paul was struggling to make the grade in college. He lived his first college semester in the dormitory on campus, then moved back home for a term or two. He then moved into a small trailer with a friend. In order to afford a better vehicle to drive, he moved back home so he could make payments on a pickup truck which he loved. When the family got transferred to Roanoke, he chose to stay behind and finish school. He then moved into a duplex apartment with two other roommates.
I posted the diary in hopes it could be used in some type of research which it has to some limited extent. Also, I must admit that writing the page and writing those who have written to me along with reading the experiences of many others has been very therapeutic for me.
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Table of Contents | Health Links | Missing Person Picture | The Anger |
A Word About Faith | Weapons, Guns, Firearms | Stigma of Suicide | Suicide, Not a Good Idea |
Zeke Gets to Heaven |
The Zeke Mason pages originally began July 2, 1997.
This page created Feb. 4, 2007.
Last updated July. 27, 2008 @ 6:02 A.M.
All Rights Reserved.