Great Tomorrow


"I am living every day in struggle, but living in this struggle I have one enjoyment in my mind, and that is tomorrow. I encourage myself, saying 'Tomorrow, tomorrow,' and so I have a little enjoyment even in the midst of struggle."

When I heard this confession from a woman, I could not hold back my tears.

O Tomorrow! Only the one who submerges himself in struggles and suffering can taste this tomorrow. Only a person whose suffering is the torture of reality of the known world can taste and feel attracted by that tomorrow which is the unknown world and the world of the future.

These days, every morning when I get up I enjoy thinking: "Today I will have something interesting happen to me." Always when I go out I think I will discover something good. This "today" is rather shallow but it will develop into that feeling of tomorrow manifested by that woman. The future life which is drawn by experiences and induction is always dark and painful. But one who must cry over present sufferings and is completely disappointed with his past and present life/for him the future world drawn naively by his essential vow itself is somehow enjoyable. The future which is not an expected future but future as the wish itself has such a reverent and saving power.

The mind that expects a certain tomorrow is the useless mind, but the real wish itself which has no time to even think "tomorrow," in other words, the wish itself as tomorrow is the only reality, value, light, enlightenment.

The mind of seeking the true world and the voice which urges and invites us to that world is the essential wish of the truth seeker.

O Tomorrow! O Great Tomorrow! Because of this I am always reborn and go onward.

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