Curriculum Connections to Books by Carol Gorman
Curriculum Connections to Books by Carol Gorman

Curriculum Connections to Books by Carol Gorman

These connections, and many of those included on individual book pages on this site, are based on curriculum connections first included in an article "Author Profile: Carol Gorman" by Sharron L. McElmeel published in Book Report Vol. 14, No. 5 (March/April 1996) 22-25. The connections are reprinted as part of this website with permission.

Connections to Make

- Carol Gorman's Die for Me is a mystery story. Graveyard Moon is a suspense tale. Discuss the elements which make a mystery story a mystery and when a tale becomes one of suspense. Develop a definition of "mystery" and "suspense."
- Compare your definitions to the information about mystery and suspense stories included in Educator's Companion to Children's Literature, Volume 1: Mysteries, Animal Tales, Books of Humor, Adventure Stories, and Historical Fiction by Sharron L. McElmeel [Libraries Unlimited, 1995] ISBN: 1-56308-329-9; pages 15-21.)
- Compare and contrast Gorman's mysteries to mystery and suspense titles by Lois Duncan, Joan Lowery Nixon, Scott Corbett, Barthe DeClements, Mary Downing Hahn, and Betty Ren Wright.
- Carol Gorman says that the chief protagonist in each of her novels contains something of herself. Make a profile chart of each of the main characters, analyze the information, and attempt to write a profile of the author. Use the e-mail link at the bottom of this page to send your profile to the author.
- Some of Gorman's books have been recommended on lists of "books of humor." Decide which of her books that you've read might be categorized as humorous.
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