Chelsey and the Green-Haired Kid -- Gorman
Chelsey and the Green-Haired Kid by Carol Gorman
by Carol Gorman
A suspense novel for young readers.
Chelsey thinks she's going to watch the Lincoln High School basketball
players slaughter the opposing team that snowy March night. But the killing
she witnesses is behind the bleachers, and it's no game. When the green-
haired kid, Jack, strolls out from under the seats, he seems to know more than
he lets on. Chelsey learns he's been in trouble before and suspects he's
involved in the murder somehow. So why is she so attracted to him? |
Chelsey knows she is being stalked by the murderer. Will Jack help her
or lead her to her death? Chelsey must decide whether to believe in him or
believe the terrible things everyone else says about him. And she must find
the murderer before he finds her!
Chelsey and the Green-Haired Kid was cited as an outstanding book for the reluctant reader by the American Library Association, earned the Ethical Culture Book Award, was nominated for four state young readers' awards, and was recommended in a Ladies' Home Journal article "How to Get Your Kids to Love Books."

Connections to Make

- Chelsey and the Green-Haired Kid has two main characters who are somewhat different than their peers. Describe how the two are different and then describe how each of them are like other teenagers you know.
- Carol Gorman writes both mysteries and suspense novels. What characteristics of this novel make it a suspense rather than a mystery novel? (If you need some background on this topic you may wish to locate a copy of Educator's Companion to Children's Literature, Volume 1: Mysteries, Animal Tales, Books of Humor, Adventure Stories, and Historical Fiction by Sharron L. McElmeel [Libraries Unlimited, 1995] ISBN: 1-56308-329-9; pages 15-21.)
- Write what you think Chelsey or Jack will be doing in five years after the conclusion of this story.
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