Carol Gorman's Web Site

Carol Gorman

Author of Books for Young Readers

Hello! Welcome to my web site. I'm Carol Gorman, the author (and best friend) of such characters as Jerry Flack (from the Dork novels), Lizard Flanagan (from the Lizard Flanagan novels), Malcolm Wylie (from Jennifer-the-Jerk Is Missing) and Chelsey Bernard (from Chelsey and the Green-Haired Kid).

I started writing in the mid-eighties when I married a writer named Ed Gorman. (He writes mystery and suspense novels for adults.) He read some of my letters to friends and relatives in which I described things that happened to me. I have a tendency to juice up real-life anecdotes, and Ed suggested that I might apply my flair for elaboration (we won't call this "lying") to novels for young readers. I tried it, and it was fun.

Photo © 1999,Sharron L.McElmeel

I didn't sell my first book or second. Well, okay, I sold my second book, but it took five years and several rewrites for that to happen. In the meantime, I decided I must have some things to learn about writing. I went to the library and bookstore and brought home armloads of books. I studied them and learned some very important things, such as:

I applied what I learned to my own writing, and I started selling books. I still read a lot to learn about writing, about two hours most nights. I hope every book I write is better written than my last.

I'm glad you stopped by! I hope you'll take a few minutes to look around. And I hope you'll continue reading, not just my books, but lots of books by lots of different authors. Books that will fascinate and entertain you and take you to places you've never been before.

Thanks for coming! Stop back from time to time for updates on new books and projects.

Link to an interview with Carol. Carol talks about the writing of Dork in Disguise and "Humor in Fiction."

More About My Books

Recent Favorites

Dork in DisguiseNow in Paperback
The Miraculous Makeover of Lizard Flanagan
Lizard Flanagan Supermodel??

At Your Library -- for Intermediate/Middle Grade Readers

Jennifer-the-Jerk Is Missing
Chelsey and the Green-Haired Kid
T.J. and the Pirate Who Wouldn't Go Home

At Your Library -- for Middle Grade Readers and Older Readers

Die for Me
Graveyard Moon
Back From the Dead

The most current Carol Gorman web site is now at Please visit and change your booksmarks.

Curriculum Connections to Books by Carol Gorman

Author and Lecturer

You may also wish to visit the page, about my writing, that Harrison Elementary students (Cedar Rapids, Iowa) have posted on their website. If you are interested in arranging a school visit send a message.

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