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Hi my name is Mary and this page is about me

To start with I'm a Witch. I have been practicing Wicca
for over twelve years now. The path I follow is Eclectic
with Celtic tendencies. I'm 27 and a full time mommy. I currently
reside in Dallas, Texas, but my heart is still living in Florida.
My practice is solitary
for the moment, as I have only been
in Dallas for a short time. It is also very difficult to find
a group with the kind of love I felt with the Fire Dancers
in Seminole Florida. ( Hi guys. I miss you)
I have a wonderful husband of seven years, who does not share
my views on religion, but has always been very supportive.
As I have already mentioned, I am a full time mommy
of a very bright little boy. I hope you understand why I won't
talk much about him here. I also have a pair of black cats,
one male and one female their names are Misty and Spooky.
I won't talk any more about them, because I get bored reading
about someone else's pets too. I will bore you a moment with my
personal interests. I enjoy fantasy and science fiction programs, and books.
I also love playing fantasy role playing games, and frolicking in the woods
with other Witches. My biggest passion in the last year has been working
on my webpage. I have put much of my time and heart into creating
this space. I hope you enjoy your visit here.

Blessed be,

pretty witch

 Wanted: Familiar. Must be willing to work nights and weekends. Frequent flying involved. Any inquiries must be made at 2:00 am in the park. Look for the bonfire.

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