Rini Schultz - 03/10/00 23:05:17
My URL:http://www.urbanlegendchicago.com/
My Email:tanelorn77@ivillage.com
Please read Michael Morecock's Elric series. There is an invisible, utopian city named Tanelorn that Elric seeks throughout the city...and eventually finds.
Kelly de Jong - 02/24/00 22:48:02
My Email:kelly.cryer@virgin.net
I would like to read the article Deadly Panacea
but for some reason it could not be opened. Please
can you send it to me? Are you experiencing a
problem with it or is it just the server that is
playing up?
Regards, K
Danny Trost - 12/15/99 19:37:27
My Email:SikofFalln@aol.com
Hellow fellow Psycology students just checking out your site. Don't think to hard.
Andrea Miller - 12/15/99 19:29:43
Interesting site! A lot of information on a variety of subject material.
- 12/15/99 01:57:28
MAYA - 12/14/99 10:40:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.co.jp/Milkyway-Orion/8346
My Email:barbie77@anet.ne.jp
I have an introverted friend who
has been having trouble finding a
job where his introversion doesn't
get in the way for people he works
with. I'm glad I've met with this
website and I wanna translate useful
tips into Japanese for him. Thanks
from Tokyo.
Kim Weber - 12/13/99 16:05:39
My Email:weebs77@yahoo.com
Vie E. - 10/02/99 02:00:56
My Email:ponney@aol.com
Hi Troy. I check into your site every so often to see what wonderful things you're up to. Glad everything is going well for you. Like the cities. Vie P.S. We miss you at the Jungian group.
Anne - 05/27/99 06:57:21
It was a very interesting site. Ii liked particularly the extract about the "Shadow".
MARTHA CASAS - 04/03/99 00:11:58
My URL:http://www.colomsat.net.co
My Email:micasas@colomsat.net.co
I want to know where could I find the complete version of the DSM V.
Thanks in advanced.
Mandy - 02/17/99 13:33:36
My Email:Hornbacher@rocketmail.com
Todd Comer - 01/03/99 19:40:09
My Email:comertod@pilot.msu.edu
I'm very impressed with your site's art.
I am planning to add it to my list of Calvino influences. You can find my as of yet unfinished site at www.msu.edu/~comertod/Calvino.htm. Thanks again.
Jim McErlean - 12/19/98 23:38:06
My Email:piratePrentice@ webtv
Great site, I'm working on a design that I like
to think of as" Frank Lyod Wright designs Jung's
Tower." I learned of the tower when I
read"Memories,Dreams,and Reflections"and the idea
has always intrigued me. So I put together two of
my favorite influences for my tower. If anyone has
any more specific info on the tower I would be
very appreciative.
Jim McErlean - 12/19/98 23:35:45
My Email:piratePrentice@ webtv
Great site, I'm working on a design that I like to think of as" Frank Lyod Wright designs Jung's Tower." I learned of the tower when I read"Memories,Dreams,and Reflections"and the idea has always intrigued me. So I put together two of my favorite influenc
s for my tower. If anyone has any more specific info on the tower I would be very appreciative. Jim
10/26/98 10:29:36
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just surfing. Thanks.
Rick Boys - 10/18/98 00:28:10
My Email:rcboys@fortwayne.infi.net
Troy -- great sites(s). You write very well on the reality of the psyche, the four functions, etc. I have sent them to our Friends of Jung group. Too bad I cannot print, due to the blue background. BUmmers. But I have bookmarked all and will return.
Thank you and good luck in your job search (and in your individuation journey)
Cindy - 09/25/98 04:05:47 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Jerry Carpenter - 06/24/98 15:12:05
My Email:Mjc52d@aol.com
Hi, Troy, I caught your name and homepage on the OEF prayer list. I too am a member of OEF and thought I would say HI and maybe get acquainted with you. I am a novice (maybe the longest one now since I am so slow at getting paper work done) but had to m
ss this year's Chapter meeting. I hope to go to next year's and maybe I can meet you there. I would be glad to exchange e-mail if you would be interested. Like your page a lot; keep me posted when you move. Peace, Jerry Carpenter
gretchen - 05/28/98 06:28:47
My Email:gfaulk@micron.net
- 04/19/98 01:14:14
My Email:antares@intersurf.com
i enjoyed your information. will be looking at it as you complete the "construction"
Dean Van Druff - 02/19/98 01:26:54
My URL:http://www.vandruff.com/mlm.html
My Email:wwwmlm@vandruff.com
Really enjoyed your article on avoiding the pitfalls of MLM. Succinct, crisp, and poignant. Good work!
Dean Van Druff
the wala - 02/14/98 13:40:04
My URL:http://www.thewala.com.co
My Email:thewala@inter.net.co
very good web this informations its very important for people of the world, thanks good luck
scheissen - 02/03/98 22:57:42
Dave - 10/27/97 03:19:11
My URL:/Athens/Acropolis/2668
My Email:vajra23@inconnect.com
Nicely Done Troy! You have always been a hero of mine. ;)
shelly martinez - 09/12/97 21:58:37
My URL:http://smartine/aibna.com
My Email:smartine/aibna.com
well, i found you. bye for now
Michelle - 08/25/97 20:36:38
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/5341
My Email:tailtiu@geocities.com
Just dropping by- where'd you get the guestbook?
I like it.
Layne R. Little - 08/09/97 04:56:48
My URL:http://www.levity.com/alchemy/indian_alchemy.html
My Email:anjaneya@ix.netcom.com
Greetings fellow lovers of the unfathomable! We are graced with yet another source of insight in this expansive techno-ocean. Hoorah! Jai Hanuman!
M Schell - 08/04/97 04:00:03
My Email:Monkeyboy@writeme.com
Uhh this site makes me nervous, hope your not offended. where can I get my etherium at these days?
Michael Dawson - 08/02/97 23:30:25
My Email:ashke@ix.netcom.com
I was here. This is my graffiti marking my presence. ;-)