Exploring the inner cities of our thoughts, beliefs, and psyches

The city is both a real expression of the civilization it represents

and a symbol of our very selves.

Please join me in the exploration of Invisible Cities.

Bollingen - C. G. Jung's Tower

The tower Jung constructed on the banks of the upper lake at Bollingen, was a both a place to explore the psyche and a representation of it.
Alexandria - The City were East & West Meet

Founded by Alexander the Great, this city was known as a meeting place of ideas, philosophies, and religions in the ancient world.
Assisi - Home of the Little Poor Man

It was these hills that the mystic Brother Francis wandered, praising the wonder of the world.
The Labyrinth - Literary Work

The Labyrinth was built beneath the city of Crete by the inventor Deadelus, in order to imprison the dread Minotaur. Theseus led the annual offering of 7 youths & 7 maidens into the labyrinth to kill the Minotaur, then found his way out again by following Ariadne's thread. It has come to represent the encounter with the unconscious.
Bethmoora - The Abandoned City

In the story by Lord Dunsany, this wondrous city was a "white and beautiful city" in the midst of a harvest festival when three messengers rode up on mules. After they delivered their unknown message, the city was abandoned to the desert in one day.
Valhalla - The Hall of Heroes

In Norse Mythology, this was the reward of the honored dead, the most valiant warriors and those most devoted to the gods.
Excerpt from Invisible Cities by Italo Calvino - The main inspiration for this site.

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[The Moon Card from Tarot Universal by Dali
Distributed by U.S. Games]

-The Opening Lines of Eclipse-

Let us speak of dust & ashes,
Things which would befit old men
Who once in youth stood tall & strong,
But now in old age bend.
For the sun has set his course across our sky,
Our day has run out of dawn,
It is dusk that fills our eyes.
And the monuments which we had thought hard won
Have crumbled,
& gain respect from none.
We have discovered much to our disgrace,
There is
No monument in time.

© -1996 Troy W. Pierce