Home Page

  The city is both a real expression of the civilization it represents and a symbol of our very selves. Please join me in the exploration of invisible cities.

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- You know you really want to.

Activities - What I'm up to.

Facetiousness - aka. humor

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Or Articles I've Written -

Exploring the Psyche

  1. Discovery of the Psyche
  2. Introversion & Extroversion
  3. Intuition & Sensation
  4. Thinking & Feeling
  5. Stories of the Self
  6. The Shadow

Avoiding Pitfalls on your Path

  1. Multi-Level Marketing

Invisible Cities -

Main Page
The Labyrinth

Saying a thing does not make it so.
Thinking a thing does not make it so.
Feeling a thing does not make it so.
Believing a thing does not make it so.

That which is--is.
That which is not--is not.

That is the beginning of wisdom.
Pray we never see its end.

Links to Organizations that I'm involved with -

Ecclesia Gnostica - Check out The Gnostic World View or peruse the entire library on Gnosticism at The Gnosis Archive
The Great Life Gnostic Church
The Salt Lake C. G. Jung Study Group - Hosted at this site.
Toastmasters International - If you have much to communicate, it is very important that you learn how to communicate it.

Activities -

    I must appologize to anyone who may visit this page, as I have simply left it to gather dust for some time.

Facetiousness -

  An Important DSM-V Update - I've been diagnosed as having this.

  The New Simplified Social Class SystemTM - At last, something to look forward to.

Unattributed work at this site © -- 1998-2000