Catholic Hospitals in Canada
- Caritas Health Group, Edmonton, AB
- Hôpital du Sacré Coeur, Montréal, PQ
- Hôtel Dieu Hospital, Saint Catherines, ON
- Saint Michael's Hospital, Toronto, ON
- Saint Joseph's Hospital, Brantford, ON
- Saint Joseph's Hospital & Home, Guelph, ON
- Saint Joseph's Hospital, Hamilton, ON
- Saint Joseph's Health Centre, London, ON
- Saint Mary's Hospital, Kitchener, ON
- Saint Paul's Hospital, Radiology Dept., Vancouver, BC
Hospital Associations
Guilds of Catholic Health Care Professionals
Charitable Organizations
Home Page
visitors since the last update (August 18, 1998).Ads are selected by Geocities and do not imply endorsement by the St. Joseph Moscati Toronto Doctors' Guild.