Welcome! Help us to make this site useful by giving us feedback. Thanks!
Glen and Rita Howell - 04/03/98 01:36:40
My Email:howells@interlog.com
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Just checking out the web site that Dr. Luigi Castagna gave to me, along with material on FUNEDESIN. We are visiting our daughter in Ecuador shortly and hope to visit the Ecotourism lodge and health clinic in Mondana. We will be in touch with Dr. Castagna upon his return from Bolivia. Meanwhile, we're sure this web site is going to offer lots of insights and anticipation.

Willie T. Ong - 01/18/98 10:38:49
My Email:Willietong@netasia.net
Health Care Specialty (if any): Cardiology fellow in training
City: Manila
Country: Philippines
I admire the way the catholics in your country have come together in this guild. I can see God's divine inspiration in your work. I am still looking for such an organization here in the Philippines. And if there are none,perhaps, it is time we begin to fo m one. May God bless us all in our endeavors to be closer to Him.

Courtney Voelker - 01/10/98 07:01:21
My Email:voelkerc@teleport.com
Health Care Specialty (if any): medical student
City: Portland, Oregon
Country: USA
Wonderful Web site. It is a great encouragement to see a strong Catholic medical organization doing God's work.

- 01/09/98 16:33:08

Dr. Luigi Castagna - 11/16/97 04:24:48
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
These are some quotations by your patron saint: Be a lover of truth: show yourself the man you are, without simulation, without fear or favours. And if truth costs you persecution, do welcome it. If it costs you torments, do endure them. And if for truth's sake you must sacrifice yourself, and even your life, be steadfast in your sacrifice. St. Giuseppe Moscati «Let us daily practice charity. God is love. «Happy are we doctors, who are so often unable to alleviate sickness happy if we remember that, as well as the body, we have before us the immortal soul, concerning which it is essential to remember the Gospel recept to love them as ourselves. The sick represent Christ for us». St. Joseph Moscati He who loves is in God and God in him. Let us never forget to offer every day, nay, every moment, our actions to God, doing all things for love». «Let us love the Lord to the limit, that is to say, without measure whether in suffering or in love». St. Joseph Moscati «Jesus, my love, Your love exalts me: Your love sanctifies me and directs me, not just to one creature, but to all your creation, to the infinite beauty of all beings created to Your image and likeness ». St. Joseph Moscati «Happy are we doctors, who are so often unable to alleviate sickness happy if we remember that, as well as the body, we have before us the immortal soul, concerning which it is essential to remember the Gospel precept to love them as ourselves. The sick r present Christ for us». St. Joseph Moscati Ma la vita non finisce con la morte, continua in un mondo migliore. A tutti è stato promesso, dopo la redenzione del mondo, il giorno che ci ricongiungerà ai nostri cari estinti e che ci riporterà al supremo Amore!". St. Joseph Moscati

Marika Korossy - 10/15/97 20:02:07
My Email:korossy@toronto.planeteer.com
Health Care Specialty (if any): Resource coordinator
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Your site is one of my most important bookmarks!

Maria J. Piccini - 10/09/97 03:23:30
My Email:mariaj.Piccini@netside-cafe.on.ca
Health Care Specialty (if any): Speech/Language Pathologist
City: Toronto
Country: Canada
Excellent work! Very interesting site, lots of information that I wouldn't have known where to find. Thank you.

Maureen Burke - 10/08/97 21:44:55
Health Care Specialty (if any): Audiologist (developmental disabilities)
City: Don Mills
Country: Canada
Congratulations on the website. I'm from St. Bonaventure's Parish in Don Mills. Hope to have a site up soon!

Fr Aquinas T. Duffy - 10/06/97 20:16:30
My URL:http://users.homenet.ie/~aduffy/
My Email:aduffy@homenet.ie
Health Care Specialty (if any): Hospital Chaplain
City: Dublin
Country: Ireland
Well done on this excellent web site

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