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Part 13e of an Online Tutorial Written by Jeremy Cone

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The Double Check: What do You Think it is?

The double check is quite adequately named, being that it is a move which delivers a check with not one piece, but two pieces. How could such a position arise? The answer goes back to the discovered attack/check. What if both the piece moving out of the way and the attack iscovered were on the enemy king? Then we would fulfill the requirements of the double check! NOTE: Most often the only way to dodge a double check is to move your king, unless one of the pieces is under direct capture and is not being protected so that the king may take it. A large point to note is that interposition is not effective due to it only meeting the one threat. But one example should be required to indicate the power of hte double check as it is so similar to the discovered attack described in the previous section.

The above example is very interesting. Black is extremely far ahead in material and White has barely a leg to stand on, in fact, a mate will follow very shortly. However, it is White to move in the position and when Black sees White play 1. Ng6++!! he begins to kick himself. This double check is so powerful it produces mate! Note however that not all double checkswill be this owerful put you can rest assured that the enemy army won't be moving anywhere for one move at least.


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This page was last updated on: Tuesday, March 17, 1998.

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