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Let's Get to the Point, Here Are the Links
URL | Title | Description |
http://www.chess.com/ | The official Chess Mentor Web Site by Aficionado | A site where you can learn about and download a free trial copy of Chess Mentor, a cool learning application for improving your game. |
http://www.chess.net | The Official Chess.net Web Site | A place where you can learn about the chess.net game server where you can play chess against other people across the net as well as meet famos GMs. You can also download a client to get you started. |
http://www.uschess.org | The USCF Web Site | Learn more about the United States Chess Federation and get involved in postal tournaments, etc. |
http://www.chesscanada.org/ | The CFC Web Site | Check out the official web site of Canada's Chess Federation and learn about Canada's official chess magasine: En Passant. |
http://www.planetchess.com/ | Planet Chess | A very cool site that offers articles for you to learn more about the game as well as the "Combination Station" where you can test your chess skill with their puzzles. This is not one to be missed! |
http://world.std.com/~boylston | The Boylston Chess Club | The web site of a chess club that includes the game of the month and further chess links for you to check out. |
http://www.chessforum.com/ | The Chess Forum | Your online chess store. All types of mercandise is available. |
http://www.beograd.com/informant/ | The Chess Informant | The web site of one of the top magasines in the world. |
http://www.chess-space.com/ | Chess-Space | A site with catalogues other great pages on the web about chess. |
http://www.fide.com/ | Federation Internationale des Echecs | The offical site of the International Chess Federation. |
http://nic.net4u.nl/ | New in Chess - Your Link to the Chess World | More chess links! |
http://members.aol.com/chess4jrs/index.html | Chess 4 Juniors National Camp and Southern California's Chess Club for Youth | Ok, you've read the site and you're ready to move on. Where do you go from here? Get better! This site offers excellent information about how to improve your game and about the chess for youth camp. Directed by current National Master & ICCF senior Master Robert Snyder, don't miss this one! |
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