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Part 13g of an Online Tutorial Written by Jeremy Cone

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The Battery: What a Shocking Tactic!

NOTE: Firstly, I'd like to note that this "tactic" is to be considered a strategy but, when combined with tactics you've learned up to now, as well as with ones to follow, it becomes more tactical in nature.

Uh oh, we've met our first tactic that doesn't have a logical name. The first thing that you must know, the open file is extremely important to the rooks (as well as bishops), this is a very important tactical concept. By being on an open file, both the rook and bishop cover more squares, thus gaining more space. Now, think of how much power this could be if we added another rook the same file. This way we would have double the power on the file. This procedure is known asdoubling the rooks. But this does not only apply to rook, bishop, as indicated earlier also craves the open diagonal. It also controls more space on this diagonal. Now, while we can't double bishops (can you figure out why?!) we can put both queen and bishop on an open diagonal (Open is the key word, a closed file / diagonal isn't gonna do much for ya).

By now you're probably asking yourself, "Ummm, yeah, that's good, put more than one rook, bishop or queen on open lines, so how does this help, Jeremy? Are you losin' it?". As said previously, it does give double the power on an open line, however, this is not the real reasoning behind the battery. Batteries are intended so that the leading piece may delve into the enemy camp under the protection of it's partner in crime, the other piece on the line. This invasion into the camp can be very useful, as you learned in the strategy section.

Reaping the benefits of a battery, however, is quite difficult. Once the file has been "invaded" you must direct the battery at a target. Most usual, there is already a target on the file, however, if there isn't one, taking over the 7th rank is often the correct course of action (if possible). Let's take a look at some examples of batteries, combined with some other tactical themes.

This example should set you straight if you think the battery is not very powerful. Taking a look at the position it is easy to see that material is equal. However, white has a battery along the h-file and it will be his demise. White will win in a mere few more moves! First, let's consider it black to move becuase if it weren't it would be mate on the spot with 1. Qh7++. How can black defend? No pieces may cover the square, however, black can uncover the defense with 1. ... f6, leaving the queen to the defense. Now, White still plays a check with 2. Qh8+. Black can only play 2. ... Kf7, follow by 3. Rh7+ Ke8 (forced) 4. Rxc7 Rxh8 Note now that material is still even until the skewer with 5. Rxc8+! KMoves 6. Rxh8 and white will soon win with his extra rook!

Wow! What a great example! That was some complicated stuff! Everything seemed to be going well for black until he was hit with the battery, which cost him the game. Point proven? Batteries can be quite powerful!

Another great example of how playing along open lines can result in a win. In the above diagram it seems as though White is in a heap of trouble, he's down quite a bit of material and doesn't look to be getting it back soon. However, lucky for him, his bishops are along the open diagonals and black's king is in trouble, in, 1. Bb2+ will result in mate because black can only give away his rooks before his king has no safety (Known as useless interpositions). Black to play helps none as he cannot prevent this mating threat. The game is over; White wins!

So, What's the Secret Behind These Batteries, Anyway

Creating batteries can be very simple, basically, follow the following general ideas:

While these general principles hold true most of the time, it is a good idea to use your own judgement when playing a game. If it doesn't seem like a good idea, then it may not be!

The examples above should be quite graphic in displaying the power of the Battery. Test your tactical eye with the following tests based on batteries. TIP: When completing these puzzles, always remember that batteries involve other tactics too. Batteries as themselves are a strategy which produce positions which highlight the tactical themes illustrated earlier...and to come!


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This page was last updated on: Tuesday, March 17, 1998.

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