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My name is Jeremy Cone and I am from Ontario, Canada. I've been playing chess for around 7 years now and play all the time.
While the number of web pages on the internet are forever growing in number, I found found few which offer the beginning chess player the ability to learn the rules of the game, and learn to play better chess. The purpose of this web site is just that, to help you play better chess. I hope you enjoy it, and why not drop me a byte or two?
What Will I Find Here?
Chess is a game that's often been said is easy to learn, but impossible to master. How true! While becoming a better chess player requires a lot of work, this site is here to make the journey as painless as possible. All the basics are covered including what the board looks like, how the pieces move and basic tactics such as pins. Then we'll take a look at more advanced maneuvres and strategies for more advanced players. You'll also find the internet standard of a page of links to other chess sites. Have fun!
In the Beginning ...
What the Pieces Look Like
And finally....
Combinations The toughies!
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lucky individuals have learned how to play better chess since this page hit the web on 06/28/97.