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The day is July 17th... The year is 1918... The place is a big house surrounded by a tall wooden fence, on the town of Yekaterinburg, in the middle of Siberia. The hour is about midnight. A family of father, mother and five children, along with three servants and a doctor, are suddenly awakened and told to get dressed. Then, they are led through the house to a small basement and aligned against a wall. They were told they were going to be photographed, for the welfare of family and friends. Instead, a bearded man enters the room together with some soldiers, takes a small paper in his hand and with the reading of a few cold phrases, he condemnes these eleven people to death. The execution begins. Minutes later, the guns have made their job and eleven people, full of life minutes earlier, laided dead by the floor on a pool of blood. The bodies are taken outside the house and put on the back of a truck. Following orders from the same bearded man, the truck sets voyage outside town and into the forest. First, the bodies are thrown inside an abandoned mine shaft but, with fear of undesirable discovery, the bodies are taken deeper inside the woods and buried in a simple and shallow mass grave, where every evidence of the burial site is concealed by all means, with the intention of never again to be found. A family was cowardly massacred, without help, warning or trial. This family was the Romanov family, the last ruling Imperial Family of Russia. The father was the last Tsar, Nicholas II, the mother was his wife, Tsarina Alexandra Feodorovna, and finally their children: the daughters, Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, and the son, Tsarevitch Alexis. This website was made to honor their memory, for the general public to know and understand their personal story. |
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Copyright © 1997, 1998, 1999 Pedro Matias
For any information or comments, e-mail me at:
Last update on: April 26, 1999