The beadwork section has my amulet purses, three antique beaded bags, and some beadwork patterns I am working on.
The graphics section has free web graphics, brushes, tubes, fonts and things I have scanned for you to make your own graphics with.
The short wave section has information on listening to radio stations from all over the world, as well as some examples of things these stations send out to their listeners. There is also a section about Joe Adamov of The Voice of Russia, and a section about VOR and it's programs. I added more photos of VOR staff members to this section on 26 March.
So far my Maine pages have Lighthouses of Maine, and a section on my favorite places to visit.
You can also visit my husband's new page, which shows some of the scale model steamboats and lobster boats he builds from scratch here.
I have a gallery of my photography here.
I also have started a section of geneology of the Woodman family, which is far from complete. The pages are scans from a book which was given to my great-great grandfather in 1874, called "The Woodmans of Buxton, Maine. If the pages don't load completely the first time, you may have to hit reload or refresh.
I now have a domain name and a real commercial website so that I can begin designing websites on a commercial basis, as well as selling my beadwork, and items made by my family. I am moving the part of my site about the Russian stock market here as well. My new domain is here.
I have been adding books and videos to my bookstore recently. There are books and videos about Russia, and books designed for artists and hobby and craft people. Check out what's new here.
If you like Majongg, I have made some tilesets Moraff's shareware games here.
I am also working on a page of news feeds. This is new, so it isn't exactly the way I want it yet. Business news.
This is my webring. You are welcome to join if you are a listener to The Voice of Russia.
This ring was featured on VOR's "You Write to Moscow".
![]() ![]() Katherine Lawson. Want to join the Voice of Russia Listeners Ring?? |
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Here is a beautiful book I received about Moscow's 850th Anniversary. I got it for taking part in an international quiz on the history of Moscow, and it has a nice handwritten message inside from Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov.
Thankyou to The Voice of Russia, Mayor Luzhkov, and to everyone who awarded me this book, I will treasure it always.
Following the webrings is great because you can view only the subjects you are interested in.
Athens Ring of World Literature
The shortwave ring is on my shortwave page
The Russian webrings are in my Russian section
Click here to see some of the more graphics intensive awards I have won.
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