"Impressive! This material will help people who are in abusive or
controlling groups, but don't realize it. It caused me to evaluate my
experience, as well as my views on discipleship."

Walt Murray, Campus Crusade, former staff person
Atlanta, Georgia

"People aren't told what the group's rules are when they first join.
Instead, they are showered with attention and affection. Everybody wants
to feel needed and appreciated. Slowly, new members are led to believe that
the path to a true Christian life is possible only through their particular

"Twisted Scriptures can be a very valuable
resource and self-help guide. This is by far one of the best books
on the subject. Few books compare to this fine resource."

Dr. Paul Martin - Wellspring Retreat

"Without this book, I'd still be in an abusive church today."

Glenna Neece, fashion model
New York, New York

"This is controversial... many sheep will be told not to read it.
Anyone told this should read it immediately! This is an important
book - not only to help victims break out of bondage, but every pastor
should be required to read it."

Edward J. Green, Ph.D., Guerry Professor of Psychology
University of Tennessee at Chattanooga

"I have read about half-way
through the book "Twisted Scriptures" and have recommended
the book to no less than a
half-a-dozen people. It has been a God-send to me.
I read "Toxic Faith" about 5 years ago and it helped me to
realize that my family and I were in an
abusive system. Although the book touched on manipulation of
scripture, Mary's book has really
given me new life. The scriptures that used to haunt me no longer
do because they are no longer
twisted. So much made sense to me. Obeying, sacrificing, not
touching God's annointed all now
have new meaning because Mary places them in correct context.
I pray that someday I will be
given the opportunity to teach from this book."

Mike King on March 17, 1997

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Copyright 1997 Mary Alice Chrnalogar
Last revised: Jan 4/1997
