Authors credentials for the paper,
The Controversial Southern Baptist Program.

Mary Alice Chrnalogar - Biography -

Over 17 years Chrnalogar has helped with family interventions help free their loved ones from their destructive influence. As a professional deprogrammer and former victim, Mary Alice has freed hundreds of victims from abusive churches and cults: she writes from personal experience.

Mary Alice Chrnalogar wrote the book Twisted Scriptures It will be released in Dec. 1996. This manuscript has already freed victims of controlling churches and discipleships. It is both an exposé and the first self-help book of its kind.

The readers are shown how to tell when church leaders are exerting excessive control by suppressing freedom of speech, intimidating disciples, and distorting the Bible. Many of the ideas in this book were excerpted into pages of this report exposing Experiencing God.

Miss Chrnalogar relates a typical incident: "I was called by a mother whose son had been in an abusive discipleship for years. She was frantic; her son was leaving for India with his group. She persuaded him to speak with me and we read the manuscript, Twisted Scriptures, together. Less than 48 hours later, he was free of the group."

The rest of this page is Mary Alice's comments:

I sent my critique about Blackaby's and Kings workbook, Experiencing God, to:

I received no reply from Blackaby, Jim Henry, or Jimmy Drapper.

The president of a Southern Baptist Seminary agreed that my paper had merit. He ask me not to quote him so I am not disclosing his identity because of his friendship with Blackaby. I did receive two letters from the Home Mission Board but they did not give me feedback concerning the content of my research.

I would like to applaud Blackaby in his striving to make more people aware of the presence of God and trying to "hear his voice." If Blackaby and King would rewrite their book taking out their error that I exposed, I wouldn't be against this program.


When I begun explaining control issues to cult members at the young age of 24, the members would frequently ask me for my credentials before they would listen to me. I would tell them my credentials but would make a big point to ask them not to believe what I said because of my credentials but to evaluate the information for themselves. Otherwise, I would be doing little good if I only freed someone from a cult without teaching them tecniques of how to prevent themselves from falling into other deceptions.

Too many people have trusted friends or professors and were deceived because they trusted their credentials. Many cult leaders have credentials. Humans have too much of a tendency to believe something or not, based on the person's credentials. Those with good credentials have mislead many.

We will become much wiser and be more willing to listen to all our brothers and sisters if we take their words and weigh them instead of wondering if we should listen or believe them based on their credentials. The men and women today who weigh things forthemselves, not putting so much weight on credentials, but on critically analyzing the words themselves are more apt to find truth even if a donkey should speak it.

Last update Apr 9/97

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