ISBN NO. (0-88368-514-0)

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Mary Alice Chrnalogar

The Book and Website is Designed For Your Loved One
In An Abusive Church
To Set Them Free
To Experience God's
Word the way Jesus taught it.

Leaders of many religious groups, including several mainstream churches, are twisting the Scriptures to subtly coerce cooperation from their members. In the process, personalities are changed and lives are ruined.

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For the first time ever, there is a self-help book and website designed for those still in an abusive discipleship or controlling church. Mary Alice Chrnalogar is well qualified to under take such a task because she has spent over 17 years helping free the victims from controlling churches and destructive cults.

This book is designed to break someone from the negative influence of a controlling or an abusive discipleship therefore many ideas are reiterated in various ways in various chapters to help the victim break their strong bias that is holding them in the group.

Before you give this information to your loved one who you think might be under undue influence, a word of caution. Those that do some research may be much more successful than those who skip this warning.

18 years experience

If you are in a cult or have a family member or friend in one, and need help, call for the author of "Twisted Scriptures," Mary Alice Chrnalogar, for free advice. 423 698-9343.

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