Welcome to Christopher Holly's Webpage

Homepage of Christopher Holly

Not another four years of Bush?!?! Sorry World, most of us tried!

Greetings all!! Welcome to my little spot on the internet, the homepage of Christopher Holly. I hope to make this a center where people can come and find out information about me, as if there is a huge number of folks that are interested in knowing more about me!!! In addition, I would like to do things such as put my resume here, as well as other documents that can come in handy to have on internet access in this day and age. Hope that if someone has found this website, you feel free to email me. I am interested in hearing from people!

A little about me......

I finished graduate school in two years, and I went through graduation on December 9th, 2000. Then, I interviewed with the Human Service Center, and they hired me. As the days went on, I moved closer and closer to four years of employment. After a bit of time, I have moved on from that experience, as we all must from our experiences at times, be they good or bad. Now, I am working at Methodist Medical Center, in the emergency room, which is also very exciting and interesting.

Also, I am married!!! As these things usually go, I accidently met the girl that I will be spending the rest of my life with. She is wonderful!!!

I am a Behavioral Health Clinician at Methodist Medical Center in Peoria, Illinois. I get to work with the seriously and persistantly mentally ill every day, as well as hospitalize people, deal with doctors, and refer people to needed resources. In between being cursed and upsetting people, I try to do a couple of good things for people each day. It is pretty interesting to me! Also nothing like what they said it would be like in school.


I have taken to learning about computers as a hobby, and as such, I run the only operating system worth the time, Linux. Specifically, Fedora Core 3, kernel version 2.6.12-1.1381_FC3. I suppose that I could be considered an intermediate user, as I am attempting to write shell scripts, recompiling kernels, and installing programs from the source code. Now I prefer to install from source, and I use my Linux desktop to backup and install programs on my Palm Zire 31. I burn CDs and DVDs in Linux. I email in Linux. End your addiction to Windows, and support freedom.

Linux Users Group of Peoria

The Linux Users of the Peoria Area are uniting. Are you into Linux? Do you live in Woodford, Peoria, or Tazewell counties? Are you in Pekin or Peoria, desperately looking for those whom with you can talk about good software and freedom? Then check out Linux Users Group of Peoria, better known as LUGOP. I would love to attend more, but I am way too busy.

Contact Info!

Glad you are here!!! Feel free to write, my email address is anthremwhoisatfastmaildotfm. Change the 'whoisat' to @ and 'dot' to .