Sri Satya Sai Baba "The Avatar of This Age" was born on November 23rd,1926 in Puttaparthi,Mother Iswaramba, Father Peda Venkama Raju.His initial name was Sathyanarayana Raju and was called by his playmates as 'Guru'(preceptor). He made them comfort in distress and never seemed to get tired.He was a liberal giver,even at that age of six.He used to pull out delicious sweets,pencils,pieces of rubber,toys,flowers and fruits from empty bags for his playmates.When asked how he got them,he answered 'o,the village Goddess gives me what I want'.That was only to stake their thirst and that was the only answer which could quiten their doubts.He acquired a new nickname,"Brahmajnani",means "One who has acquired the wisdom that reveals the Inner Reality".What a name for a boy of Six Summers!

At the age of eight,Sathyanarayana decided to reveal his mystery by a dramatic miracle;when he was ordered by his teacher to 'stand upon the bench' for not listening in the class-room,he 'willed' that the teacher stick to the chair until he stepped down from the bench. It happened so and he became the talk of the region.He was simple and sweet,in spite of all this publicity.He formed a Prayer Group of boys in his village and led them from place to place,carolling the hymns which he wrote and taught.

He became famous as a Peot,Street Player,Scout,Sportsman and of extra-ordinary standards of excellence.He had also the mysterious power of tracing lost property,reading other's thoughts,looking far into the future and deep into the past. He became the pet of the town and was much sought after by the distressed and the down-trodden.

When he was on a picnic with his brother and the others among the ruins of the ancient capital of the Vijayanagar Empire(Hampi), he was seen by them as Iswara, Just where the Iswara idol was installed in the Virupaksha Temple.On 23rd of May 1940, while scattering gifts into the outstretched palms of all who came,Baba declared that He was 'Sai Baba' came again to save humanity from downfall.He asked them to worship him,every Thursday, as the first instalment of Spiritual Discipline.Even while attending school Sathyanarayana was being worshipped as Sai Baba,the saint of shiridi came again.(Sri Shiridi Sai Baba had entered the tomb in 1918).

Manchiraju Thammiraju, the teacher,loved Sathyanarayana more than any other of the School Staff.Thammiraju's experiences were amazing.Satyanarayana came into his house one evening and showed him on the wall of his modest home,as in a movie, the sacred Forms of the Ten incarnations of the Lord,besides life like Portraits of many Sages and Saints mentioned in the Sacred Scriptures.

October 20,1940 was the day he choose.Returning sooner than usual from the school that day,He threw his books outside the door of his brother's house,and when his Sister-in-Law came out to discover the cause of the noise,she was astonished to hear His words"I do not belong to you,Iam leaving;I have work to do", then he stepped down and took the road by saying " Those devoted to me are calling me,the task for which I came is yet unfinished,Iam starting now".He said and walked off vigorously.He was accosted by the learned Pandit, Narayana Sastry,the neighbour, who ran up and tried to stop him,he was half afraid of the boy, for, he had called him out one day when he was expounding a difficult Sanskrit text and corrected his interpretation.This time, when he expostulated with the boy,he saw a Halo around his head and was rendered mute.The brother too failed to make him retrace his steps, and Sathyanarayana told him,"The illusion has gone,Iam no more yours,Iam Sai Baba".

Baba proceeded to a garden around the house of the Inspector of Excise.He inaugurated the Bhajan "Maanasa Bhajare Guru Charanam Dustara Bhavasagaratharanam" by saying "Oh, ye Seekers! worship the feet of the Guru,with all your mind,You can thus cross the ocean of grief and joy,and birth and death".




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