The General perception of adherence to relegion is that praying to God,singing hymns or bhajans in praise of God,going to temple or church,is enough.Also,there is a general tendency to believe that a sin,however it is committed,will be washed away if one prays to God. Belief such as this has given way to people succumbing to temptation,even wrong doing.This is a misguided conception.There is no doubt that sincere prayers have beneficial effects;however,adherence to religious practice is only meaningful if it is supported by righteous living.

Therefore,the principal role of a relegion is to show the way to righteous living, a way of life that takes one away from temptation,ill thoughts and wrong doing.If we would have lived in that way,the world would not have been in such a mess.The law of nature is that whatever we do today will return like a boomerang-good as good,bad as bad.Our future is in our hands.




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