The pranava mantra(om) contains within it the powers of Siva and Sakthi.These two powers,Siva and Sakthi,correspond to what scientists call electron and proton(the two constituents of the atom).Proton forms the nucleus of the atom.The electron is moving at great speed round the proton.The veda has described the phenomenon in different ways.It has declared that Siva and Sakthi are inextricably associated with each other.This corresponds to the relationship between the electron and the proton. Anterior to the electron and proton is the particle known as neutron. This corresponds to what the veda has called "Sath",in fact,means darkness.Out of this darkness is born light. Out of the darkness called "Asanthi",comes the effulgence of "Prashanthi".Thus darkness is called "Thamah".One meaning of "Tha" is "nectar".The other meaning is "garbha" or womb. This womb is called by the scientists as "space.".The second syllable "mah" means poison or time.Thus the word "Thamas" encompasses space and Time, which are the determinants of the human predicament.




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