Today the world is afflicted with seven kinds of diseases.First:business without morality.This is a major malady afflicting the world.Second:Politics without principles.Third:Education without character.Fourth:Sustenance without sacrifice.Fifth:A harvest without labour.Sixth:Humanness without virtue.Seventh:devotion without faith.

what is the use of devotion without faith?what is the use of claiming to be a man without human qualities?How can you expect a crop without cultivation?What is the use of education without character?

Three things are most essential today.One:There must be morality in business.Politics with principle.Education with character.

How are these diseases to be got rid of? Love is the only means.Love is God.Live in Love.When love is developed,hatred will have no place.Injustice will be out of bounds.People will not indulge in falsehood.They will not resort to wicked ways.People will follow the right path.

Therefore,deem Love as God.Buddha declared:Ahimsa is the foremost virtue.Sathya sai declares:Love alone is the form of the Divine.

Love all.Love is God's only property.It does not belong to man.It is not a purchasable commodity.It issues from the heart.It alone can be said to be Divine.Divine love is different from human attachments.It is timeless.It is Omnipresent.Make it your sole ideal.It is inherent in you. Manifest it in the proper way.If there is sugar at the bottom of a tumbler filled with water,you can make the whole water sweet by stirring the sugar and dissolving it in the water.Likewise,your heart is a tumbler.At the bottom,there is Divinity.Take the spoon of intellect.Stir the heart by the process of Sadhana.Then, the Divinity in the heart will circulate through the entire body.Then,every action of yours will be sweet,your thoughts will be sweet.You will be sweet all over.

Realise that sweetness is within you.Turn your intellect inwards and discover that sweetness by filling the intellect with Love.




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