It may be asked if the Divine is present in all things,is there no difference between good and bad,truth and falsehood?. For the person who has the conviction that the Divine is present in everything there is no good or bad.He sees the Divine equally in all things.Good and evil exist for the one who looks at these things in terms of these differences.

In the Gita,Krishna pointed out to Arjuna how he was the active force behind all events and Arjuna should consider himself as an instrument of the Divine.When anyone acts out of the firm conviction that he is an instrument of the Divine and dedicates all his actions to the Divine,he will see no distinction between right and wrong.It is attachment to the body that produces the illusion of individual doership.When that attachment goes,there is realisation of oneness with the Divine.

No doubt the body is necessary for certain purposes.But it should be regarded as an instrument and all actions should be performed as offerings to the Divine.




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