English Language Arts for the Deaf Classroom
Dedicated to creative, challenging, and accessible English instruction for all Deaf high school students

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American Sign Language to English

My hypothesis of how Deaf students learn to read in a bilingual high school class.  Practical applications of bi-bi in the classroom.  Fairly short right now.  Updated April 18, 2000.  Please e-mail your suggestions and comments.
Annotated Web Bibliography

Short descriptions of several great articles on the web related to Deaf bilingual-bicultural education.
Internet Resource Packet for English Language Arts Teachers 

Though not specifically pertaining to Deaf students, this incredible list of internet sites will help you find tons of materials for literature, writing, drama, journalism, creative writing, public speaking, etc.
Bilingual-Bicultural Education for Deaf Students: Why and Why Not?

I wrote this paper when I was a sophomore. My professor for the class was still very oral, so I set out to change her mind.  The research is not totally up-to-date, but you may find some of it interesting. 
Deaf Children and Native Language 

This explanation is not exhaustive, but it gives a quick introductory look at the issue.
Strategies to Use in the Multi-Level English Class 

Includes descriptions, rationale, and benefits for several strategies especially useful in classrooms with students of various linguistic, educational, cultural, and audiological backgrounds
Deaf Bilingual-Bicultural Charter Schools 

The most complete listing of these schools on the web.  Also includes links to sites explaining the concept of charter schools.
Teaching Literature through Film 

Short explanation of the why's and how's of using film in the ELA classroom, including some online resources
Deaf Resources Ordering Information 

Contact information for companies that sell resources pertaining to deafness. 

Created by Alice Speights, a graduate student in Deaf Education at Gallaudet University.
See her still-not-quite updated résumé or e-mail her at alicespeights@hotmail.com

Last updated April 20, 2000.

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