The Apocalypse
Last Updated 1-7-99
Always Under Construction
Just in case you spooks are wondering, I am NOT going to be changing the layout of my page just because Manson has a new album comming out. If I was on the web when Portrait came out this page would have been different and I wouldnt have changed it. I hope ya'll send me your dreams, poems, songs, art, remixes, rumors, or whatever you want to see here. This page is for YOU and YOUR thoughts. I'll eventually have the non-frames version up, but not quite yet(hehe). Prick your finger it is done, The moon has now eclipsed the sun, The Angel has spread it's wings, The time has come for bitter things.
Satan's Whore has teamed up with The Apocalypse to bring you the definitve Sooky Kids Chat Room. Just click on Satan's
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People have come here serching for truth and knowledge since:
January 1, 1999
They got their wings, will you?
Send all prophicies, predictions, accusations, death threats, warnings, and love letters to
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