The Many Homes of Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart and his family move often in Vienna. Prior to his marriage, Mozart moves to the house "Zum roten Säbel" where he already lived as a twelve-year old. A few months later, he lives at Wipplingerstrasse 14, at Kohlmarkt 7, and at Judenplatz 3-4. Early in 1784, the Mozarts move to one of the most representative houses in Vienna, the "Trattnerhof" (Graben 29-29a). At the ceremonial hall of the house, (the "Trattnerischer Saal") Mozart's piano concertos K449, 450, and 451 are premiered.

Mozart's only home in Vienna preserved until today is the "Figarohaus", located behind St. Stephen's Cathedral (Domgasse 5). Mozart lived here from October 1784 until April 1787, nearly two and a half years. It is here where he played his most mature compositions. Joseph Haydn pays him a visit here - Mozart dedicates six string quartets to him. He further composes eleven piano concertos, the horn concerto, and the opera "Le Nozze di Figaro" (Premiere: May 1, 1786)

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