Resource links for research:


The best resource for TOK students, this webpage contains biographical information, primary texts, a hyperlinked dictionary, practice questions, and a study guide.

Another great site; an extensive list of links to primary documents from a variety of philosophers.

Links: Math/Science

Some of the most influential thinkers of the modern scientific era are listed here with links to biographical information and visual aids to understand their discoveries.

All your questions about how fractals are used in everyday life are answered here. Ever heard of RealNetworks?

Information on Henri Poincare

Is Science Finite? Find out what you think by comparing your thoughts to those of two experts as they discuss their ideas in an online dialogue

A website dedicated to Thomas Kuhn

Is Scientific Knowledge relative to the culture that scientists live in? Find out on this webpage dedicated to the "Science Wars" between scientists and postmodernists.

This page and the others linked to it are an introduction to relativity with (almost) no math at all. It's not meant to be complete by any means, but its purpose is to help you understand the principles on which the Special Theory of Relativity is based, and know a few of its more famous implications. [a Thank You to J.B.]


Some documents from the European Enlightenment...Locke to Voltaire the Simon Wisenthal Center homepage

Biographical information/Reference Sources

Biographical information

Encyclopedia of Philosophy... an excellent research for brief explanations

An internet dictionary of philosophical terms

Examples for discussion

Simon Wisenthal

Thomas Hobbes Questions

For information on the IB program: