So Deron...hows it going? As I said before I'm Gerald Piper, and one thing I would always like ot do is to play some D&D with you. I have a really good Dungeon Master who lets you get away with pretty much anything ;-D. Currently their is no other players except me, so maybe you could comep lay even just once if your in the East Cost.
I was thinking I could put Grendel, my 19th level storm Giant paladin aside for a session so you could be the Warrior while I playing the mage/ My friend says sometime i look Like a mage!!. And you look like a warrior...get it? ;-D
If you want to then MAIL ME!~!!.
Otherwise all i can do is wish you the best of luck! Im trying to start a webbring about you but progress is slow. Being a webmaster is like being an actor, huh, lotsa of hard work?...
And speaking of hard work ;-D have you ever done any gay porn? Ha ha! Please don't bve angry if you havent but if you have could you please send the titles to me.