IMMORTAL FURY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I stayed up really late one saturday night watching TV because I heard that KID FURY!!!! himself was staring in a movie called Immortal Combat (it was around a long time before the video game, so please video game guys don't send Scorpion after Deron...he'd kick scorpions butt anyway!!!! ;-D) on TNT Monstervision with Rowdy Roddy Piper (I told you!!!! no relation!! HA HA ;-D )!!!!!

It ranks as one of my top tem all time favorite movies. Deron put on a performance that was as good as Dragonstrike!! He played a guy who was always in TOTAL FURY (HA HA ;-D)!!!!! He was a invinsible zombie in anceint Maya and he could get shot over and over and he just wouldn't die!!!! But Roddy Roddy PIper finaly killed him with the help of this old ninja master when he set Muller (Deron played Muller in IMMORTAL COMBAT) on fire :-(

I have pictures of Derons house!!!!!! :-D I waited and waited and waited and WAITED outside Derons house for 2 days but he never came out. I took picture of his DOOR!! and I saw a cat run across his front lawn at 11:30 and I thought it might be his so I took a picutre of it hey Deron is it yours?!?!?! Here's a picture of through a window that i thought was his bedroom but it was dark inside so you can't make out the inside to well. :-( Here it is..