Hello this is the DERON McBEE aka KID FURY fan page!!!!

Hello my name is Gerald Piper and I am the number One Kid Fury Fan in the state of Massachussets maybe in the East of the Missisippi maybe in the world! Here is the story of Kid Fury...

When I was first exposed to Kid Fury it was during the introductory video to my favorite game DRAGON STIRKE by TSR (the best game company in the state of Massacshussets maybe in the East of the Misissipi maybe in the world!). It is a great game based on the AD&D game in which I play I 19th level storm giant paladin named Grendel. Well anyway back to the point the video features a cast of assorted characters and one of them is this fighter. The fighter was played by Kid Fury, and I was pretty sure he had been in some gay porn video but I wasnt sure. Whne I started seing him in other stuff I knew he was a serious actor and Here is the fan page!


Kid Fury/Deron McBee in Drtagon Strike!

The Kid in Night Stand (with Dick!)!

Kid Fury again in Immortal Combat with ROwdy Roddy Piper (NO RELATION, ha ha! ;-D )!!

Also I think I saw him in Shock Video 4 on hbo well I dont want go give away to much info but if anyone can confirm this please please E-MAIL ME!!!

Deron if you ever see this page I am you're biggest fan and someday I hope I can meet you in person anbd you can teach me to work out and be as buff as you (HA HA that will never really happen ;-D ) But:
IF YOU ARE KID FURY aka Deron McBee THEN CLICK HERE IF NOT STAY AWAY!!! IT IS PASSWORD PROTECTED and only DERON knows the password (I put it in his mailbox, ha ha! :-D). SO DONT EVEN TRY.

...And here is some stuff about me! FURY s