The symbol of the Jubilee
The symbol represents the universality of the Christian message.
In the blue field in circular form is inserted the cross, which sustains the humanity gathered in the five continents, represented by as many doves. The blue field symbolises the mystery of the Incarnation of the Son of God, who became Man through the work of the Holy Spirit in the womb of the Virgin Mary. The light which radiates from the centre of the cross indicates Christ, the Light of the world, the only Saviour of mankind, "yesterday, today and always". The intertwinement of the doves signifies the unity and brotherhood that the children of God are longing for. The vividness and harmony of the colours want to recall the joy and peace as desirable gifts of the celebration of the Jubilee.

The Great Jubilee of the Year 2000 !


The Pope and the Great Jubilee:

Pope's visit to Holy Land

(mirror of Franciscan Web Site of Holy Land Custody in english)

The Catechism of Catholic Church (in english or in polish)

Catholic Saints (in polish)

Christian Families of the Next Century:
Italian family finding God in work and ordinary life "We love them all, with their tears and diapers"
Families Send by Church to Evangelise Our World (in polish) "Caritas Christi urget nos!"
Natural Methods of planning YOUR family (in english)

Texts of father Wołoszyn (jesuit) - in polish:
authorized version

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[ Last updated 18.11.2000 ]

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