Welcome To DarMan's Dominican's Home Page !!!

POST-Academic Meetings in Dominicans Saint Jack Church (in polish)
Internet Discusion list "CONTEMPLATA" (in polish)
III Order files (in polish)
Academic Meetings in Dominicans Saint Jack Church (in polish)
Why I love my Church ? (in polish)
Interesting Religious Texts (in polish)
Materials about Dangerous Sects (links)

Catolic Saints and Blessed:
Blessed Margerita: (polish version and local mirror)
Saint Catherine of Siena: (english and polish version)
Saint Dominic: (english version and local mirror)
Saint Albert The Great: (english version and local mirror)
Saint Therese of Lisieux: (english and polish version , and another polish version)
Saint Therese: (english and polish version)
Saint John of the Cross: (english and polish version)
Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati: (international version)

The Douay-Rheims Catholic Bible (in english)
The edition of 1000 years of christianity in Poland Catholic Bible (in polish)
The Web Gateway to this Catholic Bible (in polish)
The translation of bishop Romaniuk of Catholic Bible (in polish)
The Catechism of Catholic Church (in english or in polish)
The Catholic Encyclopedia (in english)

Texts of father Wołoszyn (in polish, authorized version)

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[ Last updated 18.11.2000 ]

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