What's new for 2008?
Please note that this is the mirror site. The main site can be found at: Crossing the Threshold - http://members.optusnet.com.au/~mgoodin68/
Welcome to the home of Crossing the Threshold! I hope you will find something of interest, thought provocation or reflection here.
If this is your first visit to my site, please contact me via my guestbook or email and let me know how you found out about it. I'm trying to find out which method of promotion works best for a site like this.
I'm running a spreadsheet of sales announcements from the Locus magazine, in order to track which agents are selling SFF genre fiction to which publishers. The spreadsheet is available from my Locus spreadsheet page. The information is available in Excel, pdf and htm formats. I announce updates via my public blog at http://melinda-goodin.livejournal.com/
Updated 24th February: spreadsheet covers announcements from July 04 to Jan 08
Future updates:
- Years ago I was writing a mermaid paranormal romance novel, and I created an interactive adventure to promote interest. The novel ended up trunked, and so did the adventure, but I think it would be fun to revive it, and I can see a way to tie it in to my current novels' fantasy world. Stay tuned for more information.
- In progress: a review of the hero's journey in the fantasy novel "Oath of Swords" by David Weber.
- In progress: a review of the hero's journey and archetypes in "Paladin of Souls" by Lois McMaster Bujold.
Wishing you flowing words, health, happiness and success in 2008!
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Crossing the Threshold homepage : Siren Search interactive adventure :
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