Greetings from Downunder. This is a mirror site for the main site at http://members.optusnet.com.au/~mgoodin68/
Please click on the banner or the link in the navigation centre if you wish to be redirected to the main site.
Crossing the Threshold aims to provide you with inspiring and educational writing articles and encouragement with your writing.
Introduction - Who is Melinda Rose Goodin, and why is this site called "Crossing the Threshold?"
Writers' resources
- Locus sales spreadsheet - updated 24th February 2008. A spreadsheet of three plus years of Locus sales announcements, to help novelists track who sold what to whom, via which agent. Available as an Excel spreadsheet (with free Excel viewer) and .pdf (with free Acrobat Reader software).
(This resource is now listed on Preditors and Editors as a recommended site)- Agent research gateway - links to agent blogs, directories, brave scam hunters and their warnings, recommended reading and other resources.
- "Goal setting and New Years' writing resolutions"
- "The hero's journey: a path to plotting."
- "The hero's journey: a path to plotting. Examining "Lord of the Storm" by Justine Davis."
- "Archetypes in the Hero's Journey"
- "Scene and sequel"
- "The 34 step program for unpublished authors"
- "Using the Tarot to break writers' block"
Navigation Center
Crossing the Threshold homepage - this will redirect you to the main site
Locus spreadsheet : Agent research gateway: Writing articles :
Melinda's blog : Introduction : What's new?The Communications Center
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© 1998-2008 Melinda Goodin
updated 24th February 2008