Recently I met someone really special in Cuernavaca, Mexico and married this lovely lady in July 2003 and plan to have her come back with me to the states soon. For this reason, I searched for a position in a more Spanish speaking community and found one in Orlando, FL starting in October 2004 after teaching a year in Charlotte, NC.

Hi! Hello!! Greetings!!!
Guten Tag!!!!!
Dobre Dehn!!!!!
Hyvaa Paivaa!!!!!
Buenos Dias!!!!!

Welcome to my home page. I hope you enjoy it's links. I am a graduate of

Idaho State University.

Although I have been limited on my experience on the internet, I do see many of it's benefits.
I have 3 years substitute teaching experience in
Boise and Meridian, Idaho
at the elementary level. At one of those subbing opportunities I gained a position teaching computer skills to K-5 in Meridian, Idaho. Sometime later, I gained a position on the Navajo Nation where I taught 5th grade from the fall of 2000 until the spring of 2003. Then I have found what had hoped would be a wonderful long term 2nd grade position in North Carolina. Sadly, due to the violence in the area I chose to continue searching for a full time
teaching position in the Texas, California, Florida or even Colorado so I have prepared a brief copy of my resume for any possible openings.

I enjoy listening to music of various types but especially

Christian artists.

I am also greatly interested in other


For this reason I have developed some links to information about other countries.

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I have opened an online store to try to subsidize my dwindling income. Please check it out by clicking on the picture to the left.

I have been finding several items that I thought others might be interested from my travels, so I have opened an account with ebay where I have some of these items. As of December 2002, I am presenting mainly pictures that were made with the use of a spray can and paper. They are very beautiful and hard to believe that someone made these in front of me in just a few minutes. Also, I currently have jewelry from the Navajo Nation. Come check it out!!!

My items on eBay

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