The Traveller's Surrealist
Fan Club Presents:

The Intro

This is the opening page of the Surrealist Fan Club, created by the Traveller. We used to house the Bjork Cafe but it moved to a bigger house. We used to house the X-plane website but it also moved away. Now it's just us and our theories and our surrealism. We're sorry to have caused so much trouble in the past, and hope to create much more chaos in the future. The surrealist fan club is the fan club of a particular surrealist, and also surrealism in general. The surrealist in question happens to be the Traveller. To learn more, please enter THE TRAVELLER'S SURREALIST FAN CLUB immediately for full gratification.

Before moving on to your next destination...
consider these simple precepts of LIFE...
adopt them and make them YOURS...

1.Protect Life
2.Protect Love
3.Uphold Integrity
6.Remember Yourself
7.Creation is Sacred
8.Time is ART
9.Dissolve Boundaries

Now you may embark on your journey with the Traveller

The Traveller's Surrealist Fan Club


The Traveller's ChaosPhere

The Traveller happens to be
A Non-Member of the MYRIAD surrealist group.

all pages ©1997

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