Conversations With Jack and Diane

                     Hard Secret to Share

	Jack walked into the big sports auditorium.  He had driven
for over two hours to get here.  He’d come at the behest of Diane. 
Her little brother was wrestling today and she’d thought it would
be nice if as many people as possible were there to cheer him on. 
Jack was glad to oblige.  Not only because his best friend had
asked him, but also because he liked Diane’s kid brother, Kurt. 
Besides, the kid was some kind of wrestler.  Just a freshman but
he’d already made the varsity team.
	Dressed in Canyon River Blues jeans, Jack strode smoothly
toward the one face that mattered to him.  His RJ Colt hiking boots
cushioned his footsteps as he neared Diane’s flawless presence.
	She was dressed in a tight, curvy pair of Bobbie Brooks
jeans, a willowy Shan Choy blouse with high ruffled collar, it’s
fluttering edges lightly kissing the smoothness of her long silky
neck; and a pair of Cory Royce pumps molded exquisitely to the
tapered line of her delicate feet.  Her long legs were crossed
elegantly, her posture straight and solid like a porcelain sculpture.
	“Hey babe,” Jack greeted as he leaned close to her and
gently kissed her soft, warm cheek.
	“Good morning sweetheart,” she offered, smiling her
special smile.  “Thank you for coming,” she beamed.  “Kurt will
be very happy that his very own cheering section consisted of
people outside his immediate family.”
	Jack winked.  “I wouldn’t have missed it for the world.” 
He smiled and settled himself onto the hard surface of the wooden
bleachers that stretched across the entire length of the auditorium.
	“Which one is Kurt?” he asked.  “They all look the same
to me.”
	Diane frowned slightly. “They do not,” she proffered, her
well tanned arm pointing out toward the center wrestling mat. 
“There he is,” she gestured.  “The one with the white ear
	“Where?” Jack squinted, his head bobbing and weaving to
get the right angle between the heads that mingled within his line
of sight.  “Oh,” he smiled.  “I see him now.”
	“Yeah, that’s him,” Diane chuckled proudly.  “He forgot
his ear guards this morning when he left.  So I had to call the coach
and go pick them up at the school.”  She laughed wistfully.
	“What?” Jack smiled back at her.
	“Guess what I got to see when I got there?” she challenged.
	“I don’t know, what?” he inquired.
	“The man’s locker room.  It was my first time,” she
laughed, her full lips stretching into the most delightful grin.
	“Oh did you now,” Jack teased.  ‘And exactly what did you
see that could put such a smile on your face?”
	“I’m not telling” she smirked.  “Suffice it to say that what I
saw shall forever warm me on those chilly Kamuela nights...”
	“ aren’t gonna tell me what you saw?” Jack
	“Not in this lifetime,” she laughed, closing here eyes and
pouting her lips as if to say her intention was to remain silent on
the matter.
	Jack chuckled.  “Ok sweetheart,” he nodded, his fox-brown
eyes filled with affection.  “You don’t have to tell me.”  He
nudged her playfully.  “I’ll just ask the coach next time I see him.”
	“Hehehe,” she erupted, her delicate fingers instantly
covering her lips in an attempt to stiffle the outburst.  “He’ll never
reveal my secret,” she assured Jack.
	“I’ve got a bottle of Chavis Premium Scotch that says he
will,” Jack countered.
	“Well...” Diane protested.  “It’s my secret and I don’t think
you should venture to steal it away from me.”  She folded her arms
across her chest and pouted somemore.
	Jack stared at her for a moment, he could never get enough
of her lovely face.
	“Ok, ok,” he surrendered.  “I’ll not wring the information
from the coach, nor anyone else,” he promised.  “I guess a woman
is entitled to her secrets.”
	“Yes she is,” Diane agreed, her arms coming loose as she
feigned relief.
	“Speaking of secrets,” Jack added.
	“Uh oh...” Diane responded.
	“Uh oh is right,” Jack nodded.  He moved a little closer to
her.  “You wanna hear about it?”
	“Only if you want to tell me about it,” she smiled coyly.
	“Yeah right,” Jack chuckled.  “You know you’re dying to
	“Am not,” she assured him.
	“Are too,” he countered, holding up his hand.  “Don’t deny
it,” he smirked.
	Diane took a deep breath.  “Alright,” she announced
half-heartedly.  “If you must share, go ahead.  I’ll try and feign
interest.”  She winked at him, her cerulean eyes sparkling
	Jack smiled slowly, he always smiled slowly, searching
hard for a response.
	“Never mind,” he finally uttered, turning his attentions
toward the wrestling mat.
	“Oh don’t you dare!” Diane pinched him, instantly getting
his attentions back.
	“Hey!” Jack flinched.  “That hurt...”
	“Oh don’t be a big baby,” she chuckled.  “Now tell me that
secret before I really let you have it.”
	“Ooooooo,” Jack smiled.  “Have IT huh...”
	“Shut-up and spill the beans mister,” she demanded.
	“Ok Miss Spoilsport,” he huffed.  He moved even closer to
her.  “Jan has a lover,” he admitted, his bright brown eyes
suddenly sullen and dark.
	“What?” Diane frowned, her own eyes quickly narrowing
as she felt her friend’s pain.
	“It’s true,” he offered softly, his hand coming up to slowly
rub his weathered face.
	“Oh Jack,” Diane whispered gently.  “Would you like to
step outside and discuss it?”
	“No,” he quickly responded.  “I want to be here for Kurt. 
Really I do.”  He held her hand.  “But perhaps you’ll be kind
enough to listen to an old friend pour his heart out as we watch.”
	“Of course darling,” she nodded, her expression heavy and
	“Oh lighten up will ya,” he smiled.  “It was inevitable that
Jan would eventually seek solace in the affection of another.  I’m
not exactly husband of the year material...”
	“Well that’s true,” Diane agreed.
	“Gee thanks pal, “ Jack quipped, only half jokingly.
	“Well it’s true sweetheart,” she offered.  “Do you want me
to tell you how I feel, or would you prefer I lied and placated to
	He held up his hands.  “No,” he shook his head.  “I want
you to express your feelings on the matter truthfully.”
	“Good,” she nodded.  “Now tell me exactly how you found
out about Jan’s affair.”
	Jack winced.  “AFFAIR...” he groaned.  “I always thought
it would be me that committed an AFFAIR.”  He chuckled and
shook his head slowly.  “The bastard up there moves in mysterious
ways huh?”
	“I wouldn’t go making HIM mad at me if I were you Jack.”
Diane warned.
	“I don’t give a damn if HE is angry with me or not,” he
	“Calm down Jack,” Diane whispered.  “Calm down and tell
me how you found out about Jan’s affair.”
	“Could you please ease-off on using that word sweetheart?”
	“Ok, I’m sorry.  But please tell me how you found out?”
	“She told me alright!” he blurted, instantly regretting the
outburst.  He smiled at the faces that turned on him.  “Sorry,” he
mouthed.  The faces turned away.
	“She told you?” Diane frowned, her voice barely above a
	Jack nodded.  “Yeah...” he mumbled.  “She told me
	“Who is he?” Diane asked.  “Do I know him?”
	Jack looked at her fiercely.  “Why do you wanna know.  Do
you want him too?”
	“Don’t be absurd Jack!” she scowled, the volume of her
voice masterfully subdued yet stern and forceful.
	Jack threw his hands up again.  “I’m sorry Di.  That was
unfair of me.  It’s just that, right now, I’m not exactly in my right
	“I know darling.  But do try and get a grip on yourself.” 
She held his hand, her attentions shifting toward the center mat as
Kurt stepped forward to face his first opponent of the
	“Perhaps we should discuss this some other time,” he
	“No,” Diane reassured him.  “I’ll watch and listen at the
same time.”  Kurt continued to wrestle as they talked.
	“Oh won’t that be fulfilling,” he complained.
	“Cut me a break Jack,” she frowned.  “I offered to step
outside to discuss this, and you said no.”  She held his gaze.  “I
promise I’m listening sweetheart.”  She smiled soothingly.  “Now
tell me who this mystery man is...”
	“I don’t know,” he admitted.  “Some fireman she knows. 
Some good looking well built hunk of a son-of-a-bitch.”
	“Have you seen him?” she probed.
	“No,” he responded.  “But aren’t all firemen goodlooking,
well built bastards?”
	Diane narrowed her gaze.  “Well actually,” she offered. 
“Yes, they are.”  She smiled.  “I’m just kidding darling.  I want to
see you smile again.”
	“I may never smile again ever,” he pouted.
	“Do you want me to talk to her?” Diane offered.
	“I don’t think so,” he answered.  “Besides,” he offered.  “I
don’t think it would make a difference.  She told me that she really
loves this guy.”  He stared at the wrestling mat, his thoughts so
scattered that he didnt even notice as Kurt won his first match.
	“What am I gonna do Di?” he posed haplessly.
	She moved close to him, her hands still clapping her little
brother’s victory.
	“I’ll tell you what you’re gonna do,” she announced.  “You
are gonna fight for her.  You are gonna stand up like the man I
know you are and fight for the woman you love.”
	“I’ll lose,” he uttered dejectedly.
	“No you won’t Jack!” she assured him.  “You’ll win.  And
you want me to tell you why?”
	His gaze rose to her’s, his brown eyes heavy with
melancholy.  It was the best he could offer at the moment.
	“I’ll tell you why sweetheart.  It’s because you have a deep,
strong love for Jan.  A love built over many years of shared
affection.  And when she realises what she’d be throwing away,
she’ll beg your forgiveness.”
	“Hahaha,” Jack chuckled weakly.  “She barely knows I
exist anymore.”  He leaned forward, his face only inches away
from Diane’s.  “To tell you the truth,” he offered.  “I’ll let you in
on another secret.”
	“What other secret?” she asked.
	“I don’t know if I really want to save the marriage.”  His
eyes focussed on hers.  “Perhaps I should just let it die.  Perhaps
this is the scenario I was hoping for...”
	“Don’t say that Jack,” Diane admonished.  “You know you
love her.”  Their faces drew even closer.  “Jan I mean,” she
	“Perhaps their is another that I love truly,” he offered, his
fresh breath racing across her face.
	“Oh Jack.  You don’t know what you are saying.”  She
breathed-in the smell of him, her chest filling itself with his scent.
	“Hey Sis!” came a sudden blast of voice from somewhere
outside the cocoon of their connection.
	Diane turned toward the resonance.  Her eyes slowly
	“Kurt,” she smiled.  “How’d you do babe?”
	“Not that great,” he frowned.  “I got fourth.”
	“Hey!” Diane exclaimed.  “Fourth is great!!!”
	“Yeah,” Jack chimed-in.  “This being your first shot at
varsity, fourth is cool man.”
	Kurt thought for a moment.  “Yeah,” he agreed.  “Fourth
ain’t so bad.  But it’s First that I’m after.”
	“Patience...” echoed Jack and Diane at the same moment.
	“Patience is for old folk,” Kurt assured them.  “Like you
guys.’  He held Diane’s gaze and slowly smiled as his beautiful
sister pouted her lips and raised her fist in mock attack.
	“Kidding, kidding!” Kurt offered, unable to stiffle a belly
full of laughter as Diane attacked him with loving affection, the
two of them embracing in laughter as they backed away from the
	Kurt looked up at Jack.  “Come on man,” he urged. 
“Wanna come bowl a few frames with us?” he asked.  Diane
nodded, her sympathies pouring forth to her best friend.
	“Why not,” Jack smiled.  “Maybe it’ll take my mind off my
problems.”  He jumped down onto the auditorium floor, draping
his arm about Diane’s shoulders, Kurt on the otherside of his
sister, the three of them strolling toward the exit, Diane leaning
toward Jack and whispering.
	“After a few celebratory frames you and I will sneak away
to the cafe and really talk this thing out, okay babe?”
	Jack smiled down at his best friend in the world.
	“Thanks Di,” he uttered.  “I could really use some quiet
time with you tonight.”
	“Quiet time you shall have my sweet,” she answered.
	He smiled.  Diane smiled.  Kurt shrugged as he tried to
figure out what Jack and his sister were cooking up.
	The trio disappeared through the auditorium doors, Kurt’s
fourth place trophy gleaming in the rushing sunlight.

                           The End

Unpublished Works © 1998 GJB

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