Conversations With Jack and Diane

                         To Admit Or Not To Admit

	“Fancy meeting you here,” Jack greeted somewhat
absently, his gaze following a scantily clad beachcomber.
	Diane smiled, her own scantily clad form bending smoothly
as she spread out her blanket.  “May I join you?” she asked,
already settling-in nice and comfortable.
	Jack laughed as he sipped on a sweating bottle of beer. 
“Sure,” he agreed graciously.  “It would be my most extreme
pleasure to share moments of bliss with a maiden of such delicate
grace.”  He smiled, guzzling more beer.
	“Your drunk, aren’t you?” she chided teasingly.
	“Not yet,” Jack replied.  “But I’m working on it.”  He
opened the cooler and pulled out a bottle of Corona Extra.  He
twisted the cap off and handed it to Diane.  “Join me, won’t ya.”
	“It would be my most extreme pleasure to share moments
of beer bliss with a virgin of such delicate grace and obvious
refinement.”  She smiled as she took a swig from the bottle, her
lips carressing it longingly.
	“Very funny,” Jack sneered.  “And how did you know that I
was still a virgin?”
	“Your wife told me,” she laughed, propping herself up on
her left side facing Jack, her red hair glowing in the sunlight as her
eyes sparkled in direct contrast.  “So,” she offered.  “Your
lecherous soul having fun leering at all this young Woman Flesh?”
	“Indeed,” Jack nodded heartily.  “My lecherous soul is
basking in a heavenly repose of cosmic proportions.  Thank you
for caring...” he laughed.
	Diane turned toward the sea.  “Beautiful day, huh,” she
injected, staring out at the gorgeous blue horizon.
	“W-What?” Jack stammered, following her gaze.  “Oh yeah
a pretty day for sure.”  He twisted open another beer for himself. 
“Hey, help me out with a little dilemma I seem to have embroiled myself in.”
	“I’d be glad too,” Diane smiled, resting her cheek in the
palm of her left hand, still lying on her side.
	“You see that pretty blond over there?”  He pointed down
the beach toward a gorgeous young woman.
	“Yes, I see her,” Diane answered.  “Even from this distance
she is stunning.”
	“Indeed she is,” Jack agreed.  “And guess what?”
	“She wants to fuck you, right,” Diane answered, her tone
tinged with the slightest bit of jealous angst.
	Jack turned his gaze on Diane.  “You do have a one track
mind love.”  He smiled, his gaze drifting back to the tall young
woman.  “Actually,” he offered.  “She’s my daughter.”
	Diane gagged on a swallow of beer, spraying Jack with
suds, her delicate fingers rising to her lips.  “Your daughter!?” she
gasped, too surprized to offer any apologies for the shower of beer.
	Jack wiped his hand down over his face, laughing as he
shook his head.  “Thanks,” he said.  “I needed that.”
	“Your daughter?” Diane persisted.  “You never told me you
had a daughter.”
	“You never asked,” Jack countered.  “But my daughter she
is.”  He took a swallow of beer.  “She’s down here on vacation for
a week and she asked to spend some time with me.  But in order to
do that I’ll have to tell Jan about Lori."
	“Who’s Lori?” Diane interrupted.
	“My daughter silly.”
	"Oh okay.  I’m with you now.”
	“Good,” Jack nodded.  “Now pay attention because I need
your advice.”
	“About what to tell Jan?”
	“No...About what color I should paint the car!  Geez Diane,
try and concentrate alright.  This is important.”
	“I know it is, sorry.”
	“No problem...Now what do you think I should tell Jan? 
Or should I tell her at all?  After all it’s not as if Lori’s a little girl
thats going to need to come over for court ordered weekend stays
or anything.  Perhaps I could tell Jan that I’m going on a
cross-country hike or something.  That way I could spend time
with Lori without the necessity of hurting Jan with the truth.”
	“That’s the coward’s way out Jack.  And you know it.”
	“Hey, I can live with that.  Being a coward I mean,” he
assured her, still hiding his true feelings with levity.
	“Do you think that fair to Jan?” she asked, her tone
suddenly serious, her green eyes flat and judgmental.
	Jack turned away from her cerulean gaze.  “Fair is one thing. 
Happiness is another.  Right now Jan is happy.  Or at least I’m
quite sure she is.  But if I hit her with this, it could make her
profoundly sad.”
	“Is it Jan’s feelings that concern you,” Diane asked.  “Or
perhaps your comfort with the easy way with which she now
allows you to conduct your life.  Is it that trust, that you routinely
stomp on, that you fear losing?  The trust that allows you to be
here with me right now.  Are you afraid that if you tell her about
Lori that perhaps that trust will forever be lost, and poor Jack
won’t be able to flirt through life.  Perhaps than you would actually
have to start working on your relationship with your wife.  Is that
what your reluctance to be truthful with Jan is all about?”
	“If I wanted a lecture Diane, I’d of gone to my mother’s
okay.  I just need...” He swallowed a deep breath.  “Oh shit! I have
no idea what I need.”
	“You need a good swift kick in your ass is what you need,”
Diane assured him.
	“Cut me a break will ya.  Look, I’m forty.  Lori is
twenty-two.  Do the math Diane.”  He stared at her for a moment. 
“Yeah, eighteen Diane.  I was a kid myself when Lori was
concieved.  That was twelve years before I even met Jan. So cut
me a fucking break alright.  I hate it when you hit me with this,
Holier that thou, attitude.”
	“I am holier than thou,” she countered.
	“Yeah...You probably are,” Jack agreed.  “So tell me, Ms.
Saintly Soul, what should I do?”
	“I say you tell Jan.  Explain to her about how it all occurred
so many years ago.  Years before you fell in love with her.”  She
touched Jack’s shoulder.  “She’ll understand.”
	Jack smiled.  “Maybe she would.  Maybe she wouldn’t,”
he stated flatly.  “But we’ll never know because I’m not telling
	“I think that’s a mistake Jack,” Diane warned him.
	“Won’t be my first,” he assured her as he stood up.  “I need
a swim.”
	“If I’m not here when you get back, I hope this all works
out for you Jack.”
	“Yeah sure.  Thanks...” he replied, waving without turning
around to face her.
	“Jack,” she called after him.  “I’m sorry I couldn’t tell you
what you wanted to hear.  I can’t lie to you.  You mean too much
to me for that.”
	“I know,” he nodded, finally turning to face her.  “And
thats why I love you my friend.  But I just can’t take your advice to
heart this time.”  He smiled and walked toward the soothing sea.
	“I know,” Diane whispered to herself.  She finished her
beer and left the beach.

                                  The End

Unpublished Works © 1997 GJB

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