Conversations With Jack & Diane Call Waiting The humidity felt as if it were a hundred percent. Jack sat in the steamroom all by himself, smiling generously. This was the life he thought. And it was all thanks to the lovely Diane. She had put him on her list of “guests” allowed to avail themselves of the club’s many amenities. The steamroom being only the first of those amenities Jack planned on exploiting before the day came to an end. Of course, he reminded himself, there was always tomorrow. He laughed heartily as he rolled the clipped end of the cuban cigar back and forth across his tongue. He didn’t even smoke cigars, but it had been a complimentary offer upon entering the club, and Jack had never been one to passup a freebie. This particular stoogie however, would never feel the heat of fire. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the dangerous taste of tobacco on his palate. “Hi Jackieboy,” echoed a soft familiar tone. Jack slowly opened his eyes, the smile still on his handsome, sweating face. “Diane!” he gasped, his eyes finally focussing. He quickly wrapped the soft white cotton towel about his exposed loins. “What the hell are you doing in here?” he queried anxiously, his hands folded on his suddenly covered lap. Diane giggled with naughty satisfaction as she sat up on the wooden bench next to Jack. “Hey big boy,” she winked playfully. “You ain’t got anything I haven’t seen before.” She settled-in, undoing her own towel and enjoying the clinging heat on her naked body. “Oh my...” Jack groaned, turning his gaze away from her. “Oh stop with the prudish act Jack,” she scowled, leaning her head back against the hard redwood wall and closing her eyes. “I’d feel a lot more comfortable if you would cover yourself back up,” he assured her, his eyes still averted. “Look at me Jack,” she instructed. “Uh uh,” he shook his head. “Just look at me silly,” she demanded smoothly, almost hypnotically. Jack’s gaze turned slowly. “Is this why you put me on your guest list Di? So you could trap me here in the steamroom?” Diane chuckled softly. “You got it loverboy,” she nodded, her long golden hair done up in a loose bun on the top of her head. “Isn’t this a, man’s only, steamroom?” Jack asked specifically. “On slow days,” Diane winked. “We go co-ed.” Her eyes closed again, a smug little smirk on her perfect shinning face. “That’s a boy Jack,” she cooed. “Take a good long look. Get it all out of your system, then perhaps we can have a little chat without further gawking.” Her eyes remained closed. “I ain’t looking at nothing,” Jack protested, his eyes quickly turning away from the incredible sight. Diane chuckled merrily. “God Jack,” she alerted him. “You really are a closet prude, aren’t you?” He cleared his throat nervously. “Well...” he offered slowly, his voice catching slightly. “I’m just a little wary of a naked woman with a smile on her face.” He was beginning to relax. “Seems to me, she wants something I may not be able to provide.” “Oh Jack,” Diane grinned. “You give yourself way too much credit love...” “Shut up...” he whined playfully. “You make me smile Jack,” she assured him, her green eyes opening slowly as she sat forward. “Would you really prefer me covered up?” He nodded his head. “It’s hard enough for me to be around you when you’re fully clothed,” he answered. “Let alone completely, magnificently, naked...” “Magnificent huh?” she smiled coyly, wrapping the generous towel around herself, covering everything Jack longed for. “Indeed,” Jack reinterated, winking at her as he finally took a breath. “Thanks...” he smiled. “Welcome...” Diane laughed, tucking one corner of the towel snuggly over it’s upper left edge, just above her breast. “There,” she frowned. ‘All covered up and presentable.” Jack adjusted himself so he was now facing Diane. “So,” he asked, in happy relief. “Now that you’re not making me crazy any longer.’ He winked again. “Perhaps you’ll tell me exactly what you’re doing here?” “A lump...” she answered, trying to hold her smile. “A what?” Jack squinted, a light shroud of steam casting Diane’s face in a soft fog. “A lump in my breast Jack,” she elaborated. “I had a mammogram yesterday and a lump was found.” “Oh shit!” Jack exclaimed, standing as his heart sank, his loin towel falling away from his....Well you know. “Oooooo Jack,” Diane chuckled appreciatively. “Is it you or is it memorex...?” “A lump?!” he probed, ignoring her attempt at humor. “Oh god damn shit!” “Relax Jack,” she tried to calm. “Sit down and cover yourself up,” she instructed. “You big tease...” It was her turn to wink now. “Sit down love,” she expressed tenderly. “Please...” Jack sat heavily, his expression slack with shock. Diane retrieved his towel and draped it over his lap. “There now,” she secured. “All nice and comfy.” “Oh Diane,” he groaned, the remorse dragging his words to the ground. “What Jack?” she inquired, his expression numbing her. “What will I do without you?” he posed, unable to control the tears that flowed from his empty eyes. “It’s not as if I’m gonna die tomorrow you know,” she assured him, suddenly a bit put off. “And why am I comforting you?” she chastised. “I’m the one with the lump!” In between the tears Jack had to chuckle. “You surely have a way with words love.” He smiled at her, slowly pulling her close. “It’s just that I couldn’t imagine life without you.” “Nor I without you Jack,” she assured him, enjoying the genuine show of love. “How long do you have?” he asked haltingly, refusing to break the embrace. “I think,” she replied, her voice muttled slightly as she gently but definitely wiggled from Jack’s grip. “I think you’ve put the proverbial cart before the horse Jack...” “What?” he frowned. “I won’t know until sometime this morning if the lump is malignant or benign,” she enlightened him. “You mean...?” He collected himself quickly. “You mean you may not really have cancer?” “That’s right Jack. I’ve instructed my doctor’s office to call me here when the results come in. I told them I didn’t want any long explanations. To just let the front desk know to tell me one of two words. Negative, or the dreaded...Positive.” Jack nodded slowly, his gaze filled with apprehension. “So we wait,” he echoed, his thoughts scattered as he tried to push away the gloom with some of the newly found hope Diane had just provided. He draped his arm over her shoulders and pulled her close. “Whatever the results,” he promised. “I’ll not let you face this one without me...” He kissed the sweet of her forehead, the taste of her filling him with precious memories. She held him tightly within herself. “Do you remember the first time we set eyes on each other?” he asked softly, wiping tears from his eyes. “How could I forget,” Diane chuckled. “Twenty-two years old and fresh off the boat from Louisiana. A southern belle in paradise.” “Indeed,” Jack agreed, gently stroking her glistening face. “And there I was,” he added. “In all my islandboy glory.” He shook his head with remembrance. “When I saw you standing there. With your blond hair and blue eyes.” He smiled. “God Diane, you took my breath away.” He lifted her chin gently, her eyes slowly rising to his. “And you still do, you know...” Diane smiled up at him. “But then,” he offered with a pout. “Out of no where strode this handsome haole guy. Hair as blond as yours, eyes as blue as the tropical sky.” He shook his head thoughtfully. “Fred,” he huffed. “And the two of you looked magnificent together. So I knew,” he concluded. “Knew what Jack?” Diane asked, setting aside her troubled thoughts momentarily. He shrugged. “That a guy like me had no right coveting a woman like you.” “A woman like me?” she probed. “Wanna splain that Jack?” “Well,” he offered tentatively. “You’re the kind of woman a man dreams of when he drifts within himself. You know,” he tried to resolve. “When he sees himself as he’d like others to see him. But not exactly as he actually looks.” He chuckled without mirth. “At those times he can have any woman he wants, because in his own mind he is the physical equivalent of Adonis.” “Ooooo, I like Adonis,” Diane giggled. “Please go on you greek god you...” Jack laughed softly. “Yeah,” he elaborated. “But you must remember that this Adonis lives only in each man’s dreams. The personification of his most basic drive.” He shook his head. “Anyway, when a man is in this state, he dreams of communion with a woman like you Diane. The real personification of physical perfection.” Diane moved to respond. “Shhhh,” Jack hushed gently. “Let me finish love,” he smiled. Diane settled back down against his warm, solid chest, nestling her face comfortably. “There within myself,” Jack continued. “I can rise to where I feel I must be to equal a woman of your nature. A woman soft and beautiful. Like the touch of a mountain breeze as dusk whispers her sweetest kiss across the gentle slopes of the coming night.” Diane would not be denied a second time. “So Jack,” she stated, her blue eyes coming to bare upon his. “You feel yourself inferior to me?” she questioned. Jack nodded. “That is such a load of crap Jack! And you know it.” “I can’t help the way I feel,” he replied, leaning back against the redwood wall. Diane decided against a full frontal attack. “I may not be so physically perfect anymore if...” She couldn’t finish the statement. The possibility was just too hard to accept. “Perfection is a state of mind,” Jack offered. “And in my mind Diane, you will always be perfect.” She smiled, unable to say anything. Just then the steamroom door swung open. A young man, no more then seventeen, peered across the threshold, spotting Diane at once. “I got a phone message for you,” he said in a hurry, obviously anxious to be somewhere else. The swimming pool no doubt. “And...” Diane queried. “They said to tell you...” Diane held her breath as the boy began to mouth the word. “Positive...” he uttered, disappearing back through the door from which he appeared. “Oh god...” Diane whispered, her words drifting into a painful silence. She looked at Jack. He couldn’t hold her gaze. The pain was terrifying. It threatened to rip them apart. Then the heavy door swung open again. “Ooops,” the young man smiled. “I meant to say negative...” He disappeared again, blissfully ignorant of the turmoil he had just caused. Jack blinked heavily, a shiver of relief skipping up his spine. “I’ll kill em!” he finally blurted, leaping from his seat, the “loin” towel falling away from his disappearing lap. “No Naked! I mean Jack!” Diane halted. She couldn’t help laughing as he turned a dark shade of red. “No Jack,” she repeated, her eyes drifting south, her palms flat on his bare chest as she sought to hinder his forward momentum. Jack snatched up the towel, covering his ample lower trunk. “Oh don’t be bashful,” Diane smiled, the glory of relief casting a glow onto her face. “I’m not going to die,” she whispered, the tears raining down the beautiful curve of her face. Jack pulled her close, wrapping his arms around her, the future suddenly a worthy place again. The End Unpublished Works © 1997 GJB